L’accent « étranger » à la télévision : discours sexistes et idéologies linguistiques
International audience
International audience
International audience
International audience
Published in Psychonomic bulletin & review
Prior work in speech processing indicates that listening tasks with multiple speakers (as opposed to a single speaker) result in slower and less accurate processing. Notably, the trial-to-trial cognitive demands of switching between speakers or switching between accents have yet to be examined. We used pupillometry, a physiological index of cogniti...
Sur la base d’une étude expérimentale menée auprès de débutants francophones suivant un cursus intensif de russe à l’université, on montrera que leurs difficultés à produire l’accent lexical russe, pouvant frapper n’importe quelle syllabe, découlent non seulement des différences fondamentales entre les systèmes accentuels des deux langues, mais éga...
International audience
Published in Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)
There is a reciprocal relationship between trust and vocal communication in human interactions. On one hand, a predisposition towards trust is necessary for communication to be meaningful and effective. On the other hand, we use vocal cues to signal our own trustworthiness and to infer it from the speech of others. Research on trustworthiness attri...