The Haemaphysalis genus (Acari, Ixodidae) in Senegal is reviewed. This embodies a summary of specimens collected from vertebrate hosts over three decades. 454 collections were performed over this period (408 from mammals and 46 from birds), representing a total of 5752 ticks in different developmental stages. Seven Haemaphysalis spp. were collected...
Le blanchissement corallien est une conséquence dramatique du réchauffement climatique qui menace les récifs et la biodiversité mondiale. A travers un cas d’étude sur les îlots du lagon Sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, nous avons planifié un réseau d’Aires Marines Protégées conservant des zones refuges, ayant une sensibilité au stress thermique ...
Tourrand, C.Naim, O.Bigot, L.Cadet, C.Cauvin, B.Semple, S.Montaggioni, L.F.Chabanet, PascaleBruggemann, H.
This study assesses changes in subtidal benthic communities on the largest reef flat in Reunion, Saint-Gilles La Saline, using several types of surveys. Temporal and spatial trends are documented over a 22 year period (1987-2009), thus spanning the 1998 and 2000s bleaching events. The most plausible explanations for the observed trends are proposed...