LUZU, Baptiste
Dans un contexte de diminution du CO2 émis lors de la fabrication du clinker et de valorisation de sous-produits industriels, la communauté de la recherche internationale dédiée au génie civil a vu l'émergence des géopolymères en guise d'alternative aux classiques liants hydrauliques. Les sources aluminosilicatées massivement géopolymérisées sont l...
HU, Haijun BRAUN, Philipp DELAGE, Pierre GHABEZLOO, Siavash
The determination of the transversely isotropic poroelastic parameters and the permeability of the Opalinus Clay, a possible host rock for deep radioactive waste disposal in Switzerland, is necessary for better predicting the hydrome-chanical response around the galleries. Transient experiments with fast undrained loading followed by a drainage pha...
Bakaiyang, Lemankreo Madjadoumbaye, Jérémie Boussafir, Yasmina Szymkievicz, Fabien Duc, Myriam
Swelling clays characterized by their shrinkage and swelling phenomenon are known to be the main cause of cracking of paved roads. So, the road construction on swelling soils require knowledge and specific techniques, including the chemical stabilisation with lime or cement addition. This technique favors the sustainable developement by avoiding wa...
ZENG, Zhixiong CUI, Yu Jun TALANDIER, Jean
Soil hydraulic conductivity depends not only on the state variables such as void ratio and pore size distribution, but also on its physical/geotechnical properties. In this study, Atterberg limits, hydraulic conductivity and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests were performed on MX80 bentonite/Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone mixtures. Based ...
ZENG, Zhixiong CUI, Yu Jun CONIL, Nathalie TALANDIER, Jean
Pre-compacted blocks of MX80 bentonite/Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone mixture are chosen as sealing/backfilling materials in the French concept of deep geological disposal for radioactive waste. Creating technological voids is normally unavoidable during installation in the disposal galleries, in the form of axial voids between compacted blocks ...
Braun, Philipp Ghabezloo, Siavash Delage, Pierre Sulem, Jean Conil, Nathalie
In the framework of a deep geological radioactive waste disposal in France, the hydromechanical properties of the designated host rock, the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx), are investigated in laboratory tests. Experiments presented in this study are carried out to determine several coefficients required within a transversely isotropic material m...
Braun, Philipp Ghabezloo, Siavash Delage, Pierre Sulem, Jean Conil, Nathalie
The Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone is considered as a candidate host rock for a deep geological radioactive waste repository in France. Due to the exothermic waste packages, the rock is expected to be submitted to temperatures up to 90 {\deg}C. The temperature rise induces deformations of the host rock, together with an increase in pore pressure...
SU, Wei CUI, Yu Jun ZHANG, Feng YE, Weimin
The hydraulic conductivity of saturated clays is commonly determined either directly by monitoring water flux or indirectly based on Terzaghi's consolidation equation. Similar results are generally obtained from the two methods, but sometimes a significant difference can be observed, in particular for expansive soils. In this study, the hydraulic c...
ZENG, Ling-Ling HONG, Zhen-Shun CUI, Yu Jun
Le cadre de compression intrinsèque qui utilise l'indice des vides pour normaliser la compression vierge des argiles reconstituées a été largement appliqué à des fins académiques et pratiques. Des études antérieures ont montré que les données de l'indice des vides sont dispersées lorsque la contrainte est comprise entre 100 et 1000 kPa. Dans cette ...
WU, Zilong DENG, Yongfeng CUI, Yu Jun CHU, Chengfu FENG, Qi
In the past 20 years, more than ten highways are built in the Lianyungang region, Jiangsu province, China. Among them, two highways (Coastal Highway A, close to the coastline, and Lianyan Highway B, approximately 25 km from the coastline) are crucial to the local highway network. However, the settlements of these two highways are signi?cantly di?er...