Unstable affects and temporal complexity in two Doggerland novels by Élisabeth Filhol and Ben Smith
status: published
Climate change is a product of the Anthropocene, and the human–nature system in which we live. Effective climate change adaptation requires that we acknowledge this complexity. Theoretical literature on sustainability transitions has highlighted this and called for deeper acknowledgment of systems complexity in our research practices. Are we heedin...
Reconnues comme hauts lieux de biodiversité (hot spots), les zones humides africaines sont sources de nombreux services écosystémiques. Les sociétés y mènent des activités de subsistance (pêche, agriculture, élevage, chasse, cueillette) intégrées au fonctionnement des écosystèmes. De plus en plus sollicités tout en restant très vulnérables, ces ter...
International audience
Published in Trends in ecology & evolution
Humans fundamentally affect dispersal, directly by transporting individuals and indirectly by altering landscapes and natural vectors. This human-mediated dispersal (HMD) modifies long-distance dispersal, changes dispersal paths, and overall benefits certain species or genotypes while disadvantaging others. HMD is leading to radical changes in the ...
status: published
Many metrics can be used to capture trends in biodiversity and, in turn, these metrics inform biodiversity indicators. Sampling biases, genuine differences between metrics, or both, can often cause indicators to appear to be in conflict. This lack of congruence confuses policy makers and the general public, hindering effective responses to the biod...