Messages clefs : 1. Présence d’une micro-algue toxique sur la presqu’île de Dakar.2. Cette micro-algue, relâche des toxines - analogues de la toxine palytoxine - qui ont des effets sur la santé humaine avec des symptômes variables qui peuvent s’apparenter à la grippe saisonnière.3. Faible connaissance de cette toxine par les services de santé et de...
The diversity of sponge-associated fungi has been poorly investigated in remote geographical areas like Antarctica. In this study, 101 phenotypically different fungal isolates were obtained from 11 sponge samples collected in King George Island, Antarctica. The analysis of ITS sequences revealed that they belong to the phylum Ascomycota. Sixty-five...
The diversity of sponge-associated fungi has been poorly investigated in remote geographical areas like Antarctica. In this study, 101 phenotypically different fungal isolates were obtained from 11 sponge samples collected in King George Island, Antarctica. The analysis of ITS sequences revealed that they belong to the phylum Ascomycota. Sixty-five...
The diversity of sponge-associated fungi has been poorly investigated in remote geographical areas like Antarctica. In this study, 101 phenotypically different fungal isolates were obtained from 11 sponge samples collected in King George Island, Antarctica. The analysis of ITS sequences revealed that they belong to the phylum Ascomycota. Sixty-five...
Les Udoteaceae et Rhipiliaceae sont deux familles d’algues vertes marines appartenant à l’ordre des Bryopsidales. Leurs représentants consistent en une seule cellule plurinucléée géante et tubulaire, pouvant se dissocier en branches ou siphons. La morphologie qui en découle est pourtant variée, allant de la simple touffe de filaments à des structur...