Ohlrogge, K.Wind, J. (GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geestha...Marinkas, W.Froehling, J.C.Schaefer, K.Hoffmann, H.Jahn, C.Emeis, S. (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe G...
The VACONOVENT "t"r"a"d"e"m"a"r"k system, a novel system for emission reduction at petrol stations, has been tested at a selected petrol station in Luxembourg in order to compare it with commonly used vapor return technologies. The determination of the total amount of emissions generated by car refueling with gasoline has been performed by three in...
The processes of fermentation of liquid manure and cosubstrate and the storage and distribution of the fermentation residues were investigated. Emissions of NH3, N2O and CH4 were quantified, and measures for optimizing the process stages and for emission reduction were investigated and analyzed. Other process stages which are potential emission sou...
Behrendt, T.DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Rau...
Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse einer Literaturrecherche wird ein neues Vormischerkonzept entwickelt, mit dem Ziel einen moeglichst hohen Vorverdampfungsgrad zu erreichen. Mit verschiedenen konventionellen und optischen Messtechniken werden das globale Betriebsverhalten und das reagierende Stroemungsgeld bei atmosphaerischen und realistischen Betriebs...
The objective of the research project was to quantify the emission of VOCs during the transport of mineral oil products by means of rail tank cars. The aim was furthermore to develop appropriate measures on the basis of the results in order to reduce or avoid emissions. At present approximately 1.2 thousand tons of VOC are annually emitted due to t...
Marquart, S. (Heidelberg Univ. (Germany)...Ponater, M.Gierens, K.DLR Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Rau...
The radiative forcing of contrails is quantified for a hypothetical fleet of cryoplanes in comparison with a conventional aircraft fleet. The differences in bulk optical properties between conventional and cryoplane contrails are determined by numerical simulations, under several ambient conditions, of the microphysical evolution of conventional an...