Schouler, Marc Prévereaud, Ysolde Mieussens, Luc
Since their development at the end of the 50s, panel methods were widely used for the fast simulation of aerospace objects reentry. Although improvements were proposed for the continuum regime formulations, the bridging functions usually employed in the transitional regime did not go through major changes since then. With the current interest in de...
Jaroslawski, Thomas Jevnikar, Steven Siddiqui, Kamran Savory, Eric
The effects of varying flow conditions on the flight and wake of the Pseudaletia Unipuncta moth were investigated, for the first time, using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements on a live tethered moth, subjected to three upstream flow conditions: no flow (hover), smooth flow and perturbed flow. High-Speed Imaging (HSI) was used to study t...
Buszyk, Martin Polacsek, Cyril Le Garrec, Thomas Barrier, Raphaël Bailly, Christophe
This work is related to the investigation of innovative stator designs aiming to reduce the dominant interaction noise in aeroengines. The study of turbulent structures definition is crucial for the accurate prediction of broadband noise radiation from passive treatments, as leading-edge serrations studied here. A modified Fourier modes-based metho...
Kouadio, Emmanuel Kouakou Goriaux, Mathieu Laguionie, Philippe Ruban, Véronique
In order to estimate the resuspension of the particles empirically, it is necessary to carry out a homogeneous distribution of the particles on the tested surfaces. Thus, in many studies, seeding or deposition in experimental chambers is performed to quantify initial concentrations for subsequent resuspension experiments. The current study was carr...
Buszyk, Martin Polacsek, Cyril Le Garrec, Thomas Barrier, Raphaël Bailly, Christophe
The context of this study is the development of innovative stator concepts to reduce noise from rotor/stator interaction in future high bypass engines. Leading edge serrations are examined using a hybrid CFD/CAA method. A stochastic approach is considered for the turbulence generation based on a Fourier modes decomposition. A methodology to obtain ...
Meheut, Michaël
L’aérodynamique, avec la structure et la propulsion, est l’une des trois disciplines majeures pour les performances d’un aéronef civil. Les phénomènes physiques mis en jeu peuvent être de natures très variés en fonction de la phase de vol. Avoir une prévision adéquate des performances aérodynamiques nécessite donc d’adapter le niveau de fidélité de...
Sun, Yekai Yuan, Jie Denimal, Enora Salles, Loic
The use of integrally blisk is becoming popular because of the advantages in aerodynamic efficiency and mass reduction. However, in an integrally blisk, the lack of the contact interface leads to a low structural damping compared to an assembled bladed disk. One emerging damping technique for the integrally blisk is based on the use of friction rin...
Bézard, Hervé Désert, Thibault Jardin, Thierry Moschetta, Jean-Marc
This paper presents a numerical and experimental investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a vertical take-off and landing micro air vehicle designed to fly in the Martian atmosphere. Numerical tools are validated through experimental data from the literature where Martian conditions are replicated. An innovative airfoil is designed for t...
Peter, Jacques
This document sums up the researches conducted in Computational Fluid Dynamics, based on discrete adjoint of finite-volume schemes, for shape optimization and for goal-oriented mesh adaptation. Concerning shape optimization, the researches were devoted to the adaptation of backward-Euler implicit stages to the FPI resolution of the discrete adjoint...
Franceschini, Lucas Sipp, Denis Marquet, Olivier
In this article, we provide a methodology to reconstruct high-Reynolds number turbulent mean-flows from few time-averaged measurements. A turbulent flow over a backward-facing step at Re = 28275 is considered to illustrate the potential of the approach. The data-assimilation procedure, based on a variational approach, consists in correcting a given...