In order to achieve an increase in the overall thermodynamic efficiency of power plants it is necessary to optimize all components and incorporated machines. Here, the steam turbine plays a key role. Especially in the low pressure steam turbine considerable losses arise due to thermodynamic and kinematic relaxation after crossing the saturation lin...
The effects of the key flow, mixing and ignition parameters on the ignition process was investigated in near-practical conditions. It was found that the ignition energy can be minimized by careful selection of the electrode configuration and positioning near the burner. Further, a criterion was developed for developing characteristic fields and des...
Das gesamte Projekt kann in vier Hauptphasen unterteilt werden. Die erste Phase war die Anpassung eines bestehenden Ringgitterpruefstands in einen zweistufigen Pruefstand, der fuer die Studie der Leckagenstroemung optimiert wurde. Zweitens, die Sammlung der experimentellen Daten fuer drei Dampfturbinenkonfigurationen verbunden mit der dazugehoerige...
Pixner, P.Krebs, W.Siemens AG Power Generation, Muelheim an...
Demands on modern gas turbine systems are high efficiency and low emissions. Due to that nearly all gas turbine systems use piloted premixed combustion. Modeling of combustion processes withComputational Flow Dynamics CFD suffers from the complexity of combustion chemistry. The direct application of kinetics leads to hugh and stiff differential equ...
Fruetel, V.Thiemann, T.Polklas, T.Becker, S.Siemens AG Power Generation, Muelheim an...
For the protection of resources and for the reduction of the environmental impacts it is necessary to further develop the transformation technologies of the fossil fuels still available on a long-term basis and above all to increase the efficiencies. With condensing turbines there is a still unused potential particularly in advancements of the over...