Verein der Kohlenimporteure. Jahresbericht 2003
Die Bergbehoerden ueben auf der Grundlage des Bundesberggesetzes (BBergG) und zahlreicher anderer gesetzlicher Vorschriften die staatliche Aufsicht ueber den Bergbau aus. Die Durchfuehrung des BBergG obliegt den einzelnen Bundeslaendern. Der Aufsicht der Bergbehoerden unterliegen das Aufsuchen, Gewinnen und Aufbereiten der im BBergG abschliessend a...
Determination of the mineralogical signatures of excavation residues as a task of this work has demonstrated that the mineral phase inventory has changed characteristically since the mixing and deposition of dead sediments. These changes are caused by the oxidation of pyrite due to aeration. In the mixed sediments deposited, a mean pyrite concentra...
The annual report of statistics of Kohlenwirtschaft e.V. compiles statistical data of coal industry in Germany: antracite mining, lignite mining, productivity, coal consumption, power generation, stocks of coal and heating oils, exports and imports, energy balance, global aspects. (uke) / SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: ZO 4066(2003) / FIZ - F...
There is a new interpretation method that has been developed for quantitative formation stress anisotropy borehole-logging using commercial cross dipole shear-wave sonic logs. Based on ''In-borehole-tomographic reconstruction'' (IBTR) of the shear waves travelling through the immediate surrounding area of the borehole formation with the penetration...