Murshed, Rubaiya Uddin, Mohammad Riaz
Peer reviewed: True / When children are able to progress beyond their parents’ education level, that is, when there is upward intergenerational education mobility—they are more likely to have better opportunities and access than their parents in terms of jobs and income. For any nation, it is important to understand the trajectory of intergenerati...
Siegel, Joshua S Subramanian, Subha Perry, Demetrius Kay, Benjamin P Gordon, Evan M Laumann, Timothy O Reneau, T Rick Metcalf, Nicholas V Chacko, Ravi V Gratton, Caterina
A single dose of psilocybin, a psychedelic that acutely causes distortions of space-time perception and ego dissolution, produces rapid and persistent therapeutic effects in human clinical trials1-4. In animal models, psilocybin induces neuroplasticity in cortex and hippocampus5-8. It remains unclear how human brain network changes relate to subjec...
Tomic, ivan Adamcova, dagmar Fehér, Máté Bays, Paul
Over the last two decades, the analogue report task has become a standard method for measuring the fidelity of visual representations across research domains including perception, attention, and memory. Despite its widespread use, there has been no methodical investigation of the different task parameters that might contribute to response variabili...
Yu, Wei-hsin Kuo, Janet Chen-Lan
Katsantonis, Ioannis
Metacognitive self-regulation is a crucial factor that promotes students’ learning and achievement. However, the evidence regarding age differences in metacognitive skills is rather mixed, with some evidence pointing toward further refinement and development and other evidence suggesting declining levels. Academic motivation, an importa...
Jensen, Kristopher T Hennequin, Guillaume Mattar, Marcelo G
When faced with a novel situation, people often spend substantial periods of time contemplating possible futures. For such planning to be rational, the benefits to behavior must compensate for the time spent thinking. Here, we capture these features of behavior by developing a neural network model where planning itself is controlled by the prefront...
Franchak, John M Adolph, Karen E
This primer describes research on the development of motor behavior. We focus on infancy when basic action systems are acquired-posture, locomotion, manual actions, and facial actions-and we adopt a developmental systems perspective to understand the causes and consequences of developmental change. Experience facilitates improvements in motor behav...
Venticinque, Joseph S McMillan, Sarah J Guyer, Amanda E
Adolescence is a period of normative heightened sensitivity to peer influence. Individual differences in susceptibility to peers is related to individual differences in neural sensitivity, particularly in brain regions that support an increasingly greater orientation toward peers. Despite these empirically-established patterns, the more specific ps...
Fingleton, Bernard
Peer reviewed: True / Using a dynamic spatial panel model applied to 377 US Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), estimated over the period 2011-2021, significant differences are found between large MSAs regarding the relationship between labour productivity and economic mass, as measured by GDP. The methodology adopted illustrates the state of t...
Davies, SR Lupton, RC Allwood, JM
Mitigating climate change will require significant reductions in energy demand, such as through lifestyle changes to emphasise lower-energy activities. The COVID-19 lockdowns demonstrated that reducing energy use is possible, but with substantial and unequal impacts on wellbeing and the risk of unintended increases in energy use elsewhere. To show ...