Ahmidayi, Najat
Basée sur l’exploitation des propriétés optiques des nanoparticules métalliques en combinaison avec des matériaux flexibles, la plasmomécanique a émergé récemment comme un sous-domaine de la nano-optomécanique. Les systèmes plasmomécaniques permettant de mesurer les contraintes mécaniques appliquées aux substrats flexibles à partir de la réponse pl...
Al Rashid, Jaber Koohestani, Mohsen Saintis, Laurent Barreau, Mihaela
This paper aims to develop the lifetime reliability model on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance of the Atmel Attiny85 microcontroller integrated circuit (IC) chip samples, depending on the observed variation of the conducted immunity to the electromagnetic interference imposed by the combined influence of various environmental and agin...
Ari, Denis Yang, Yue-Jian Quinton, Cassandre Jiang, Zuoquan Zhou, Dong-Ying Poriel, Cyril
Pure aromatic hydrocarbon materials (PHC) represent a new generation of host materials for phosphorescent OLEDs (PhOLEDs), free of heteroatoms. They reduce the molecular complexity, can be easily synthesized and are an important direction towards robust devices. As heteroatoms can be involved in bonds dissociations in operating OLEDs through excito...
Boukherroub, Rabah Szunerits, Sabine
Point-of-care (POC) devices have become rising stars in the biosensing field, aiming at prognosis and diagnosis of diseases with a positive impact on the patient but also on healthcare and social care systems. Putting the patient at the center of interest requires the implementation of noninvasive technologies for collecting biofluids and the devel...
Gumber, Karan Dejous, Corinne Hemour, Simon
Harmonic backscattering is an attractive technique in very-low power communication scheme. The hardware implementation is extremely simple due to the absence of selfjamming issue (as compared to fundamental backscattering communication) and it can even allow full-duplex communication. Unfortunately, the conversion power losses from fundamental to h...
Baudais, Briac
L'écoconception dans le domaine de l'électronique de puissance est en plein essor, et de nombreux concepts restent à explorer et à développer. Cette thèse se focalise sur un aspect spécifique de l'écoconception : la circularité, en mettant en avant l'implémentation de la modularité et de la diagnosticabilité. L'objectif est de réduire les impacts e...
Dong, Xudong Zhao, Jun Pan, Jingjing Sun, Meng Zhang, Xiaofei Wang, Yide
Recently, direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in impul-sive noise scenarios has been extensively investigated in thefield of co-prime array signal processing. This paper pro-poses a combined enhanced bounded nonlinear covarianceand phased fractional low-order moment (EBNC-PFLOM)method, which incorporates the advantages of both EBNCand PFLOM and m...
Pan, Huimin Pan, Jingjing Sun, Meng Zhang, Xiaofei Wang, Yide
In this paper, we propose a nested sampling based off-gridblock sparse representation method (Nested-OGBSR) fortime-delay estimation (TDE) of coherent ground penetratingradar (GPR) backscattered echoes. Nested sampling strategyis taken to reduce the sampling rate and complexity burden.The off-grid data model is adopted to eliminate the effect ofbas...
Farkas, Csaba Gál, László Csiszár, András Grennerat, Vincent Jeannin, Pierre-Olivier Xavier, Pascal Rigler, Dániel Krammer, Olivér Plachy, Zbynek Dusek, Karel
International audience
Hanauer, Sébastien Boudier, Léopold Mlayah, Adnen Revol, Inès
Photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid devices aim at harvesting the entire solar spectrum via both direct photovoltaic conversion and subsequent thermoelectric conversion of the heat generated in the solar cell. Oneemerging strategy to improve their efficiency is to implement a photothermal interface between the photovoltaiccell and the thermoelectric...