Bertho, Raphaële Keravel, Sonia Pousin, Frédéric Roseau, Nathalie
Si saisir la grande ville n’est pas chose aisée, la mettre en image l’est encore moins. Comment capter la dynamique du temps qui travaille l’espace ? Comment saisir ce qui est en mouvement, multiforme, immense ? Ce livre fait l’hypothèse que l’on ne peut comprendre l’histoire du Grand Paris – sociale, architecturale, urbaine, paysagère, politique –...
Villa, Valentina Nicoud, Elisa Arzarello, Marta Aureli, Daniele Pereira, Alison Peresani, Marco Rocca, Roxane
International audience
Ficetola, Gentile Francesco Marta, Silvio Guerrieri, Alessia Cantera, Isabel Bonin, Aurélie Cauvy-Fraunié, Sophie Ambrosini, Roberto Caccianiga, Marco Anthelme, Fabien Azzoni, Roberto Sergio
The global retreat of glaciers is dramatically altering mountain and high-latitude landscapes, with new ecosystems developing from apparently barren substrates1–4. The study of these emerging ecosystems is critical to understanding how climate change interacts with microhabitat and biotic communities and determines the future of ice-free terrains1,...
Lemenkova, Polina
This paper evaluates the potential of using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) approaches for classification of Landsat satellite imagery for environmental coastal mapping. The aim is to identify changes in patterns of land cover types in a coastal area around Cheetham Wetlands, Port Phillip Bay, Australia. The scripting approac...
Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio
Throughout our entire evolutionary history, the physical environment has played a significant role in shaping humans’ subsistence adaptations. As early humans began to colonise novel biomes and construct ecological niches, their behavioural flexibility appeared as an unquestionable fact. During the Late Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the shift fr...
Barniaudy, Clément Sala, Manon
Clément Barniaudy débute l’atelier par une proposition expérientielle visant à explorer les 3 dimensions du « changement de cap » (J. Macy). L’atelier se poursuit par une intervention théorique autour du lien entre changement individuel, collectif et systémique. Durant ce premier temps est également évoqué le potentiel des apprentissages transforma...
Emmanuel, Stephen
Unregulated lithium mining in Nigeria poses severe environmental and health risks akin to the historical devastation caused by oil extraction in the Niger Delta, where oil exploration activities led to oil spills and gas flaring, resulting in soil and water contamination, biodiversity loss, and public health crises. Similarly, lithium extraction de...
Zissis, Georges Mequignon, Marc
International audience
Villalba, Bruno
International audience
Raffard, Manon
In 19th c. France, a general appreciation for perfume is already considered as effeminate and a cause moral suspicion. Indeed, the preference for the strange, overwhelming fragrances associated with tropical plants is especially perceived as a social oversight, an ethical transgression, thus potentially indicating ‘sexual inversion’ and racial ‘deg...