Thiery, Yannick Guerrero Iturbe, Jesus Padois, Eliott Colas, Bastien Jarman, David Marturia, Jordi Echeverria, Anna Virely, Didier Gasc-Barbier, Muriel Peruzzetto, Marc
Rock slope failures (RSFs) encompass a wide variety of slope instability processes that are generally deep and can affect large areas. Over the last fifteen years, these processes were particularly studied because they are not always stabilized and can reactivate with sudden and brutal acceleration that can lead to catastrophes. Thus, studying thes...
Caravaca, Gwénaël Maurice, Sylvestre Lasue, Jérémie Lesty, Aude Penot, Xavier Pujol, Simon Seroussi, Florence
The Mars Yard has been created in 2022 at the Cité de l’espace (Toulouse) to host the live animation“The Rovers take the stage” (“Les rovers entrent en scène”). It is built as a ~900 m² arena able toaccommodate ~250 persons at a time (Fig. 1). The idea behind that set was to propose animmersive environment faithfully replicating a Martian geologica...
Porcile, Gaetano Mouazé, Dominique Weill, Pierre Bennis, Anne-Claire Gangloff, Aurélien
Here we present an experimental campaign delving into the complex interplay between sand dune morphology and tidal current dynamics. Employing particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, we conducted diverse series of laboratory flume experiments to scrutinize the hydrodynamic influence of dunes on steady currents, both aligned and opposed to th...
Le Mouélic, Stéphane Caravaca, Gwénaël Guenneguez, Mélanie Mangold, Nicolas Seignovert, Benoît
When coupled with 3D techniques such as photogrammetry or stereoscopy, Virtual and Augmentedreality provide new means to investigate planetary surfaces [1]. These immersive rendering systemscan be used for either outreach, education, or scientific investigations. We have tested several usecases including orbital flybys derived from high-resolution ...
Gupta, Sanjeev Mangold, Nicolas Caravaca, Gwénaël Williams, Rebecca M.E. Barnes, Robert Randazzo, Nicolas Paar, Gerard Le Mouélic, Stéphane Maki, Justin
The modern surface of Mars does not sustain liquid water, however relict landforms observed onorbital images provide strong evidence of past aqueous activity. Nevertheless on-the-groundanalysis of sedimentary strata are required to robustly characterise the specific nature of early Marspalaeoenvironments. The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is explori...
Mouchene, Margaux Blanch, Renaud Pathier, Erwan Montel, Romain Thollard, Franck
The deformation of the Earth surface or of man-made infrastructures can be studied using satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (InSAR).Thanks to new satellite missions and improvements in the complex data processing chains, large amounts of high-quality InSAR data are now readily available.However, some characteristics of these da...
Pellet, Hugo Arfib, Bruno Henry, Pierre Touron, Stéphanie Gassier, Ghislain
Abstract. Conservation of decorated caves is highly dependent on airflows in the karst network and through the surrounding host rock. Airflows are driven by pressure gradient and influenced by the shape of the karst conduits and the permeability of the carbonate rock massif. The Cosquer cave is an Upper Paleolithic decorated cave, half drowned in a...
Guillot, Francois Lanari, Pierre
The Ruitor Massif in the Western Alps is part of the Grand-Saint-Bernard Nappe, across Savoy (F), Valle d'Aosta (I) and Valais (CH) (Sartori et al 2006). This pre-Carboniferous basement crops out between the internal border of the Zone Houillère (Upper Carboniferous), to the W, and the Combin-type Piemontese calcschists (~ Mesozoic), to the E. Alon...
Richer-De-Forges, Anne Chen, Songchao Arrouays, Dominique Bourennane, Hocine Minasny, Budiman
Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) are increasingly being used to derive difficult-to-measure or cost prohibitive soil properties from more readily available soil data. Soil texture (ST) is one of the most commonly used predictors in PTFs. Soil texture can be determined in the laboratory or estimated manually by soil surveyors in the field. Soil texture...
Xu, Bin Xu, Tao Heap, Michael Kushnir, Alexandra R.L. Su, Bo-Yi Lan, Xiao-Cong
Modeling the 3D internal crack under compression entails complex fracture mechanics (mode I-II-III fracture), resulting in substantial computational costs and challenges in characterizing fracture morphology characterization for Phase Field Method (PFM) simulations. In the present paper, we developed a 3D adaptive crack propagation model integrated...