Hoang, Thi-Khanh-DieuDumas, ChristopheBorn, AndreasRoche, Didier M.
During the Quaternary, ice sheets experienced several retreat-advance cycles, strongly influencing climate patterns. In order to properly simulate these phenomena, it is preferable to use physics-based models instead of parameterizations to estimate the surface mass balance (SMB), which strongly influences the evolution of the ice sheet. To further...
Crouvi, OnnSun, JiminRousseau, Denis-DidierMuhs, Daniel R.Zárate, MarceloMarx, Samuel
Loess is an eolian deposit, composed mainly of silt grains, which can be identified in the field as a distinct sedimentary body. It covers a significant portion of the land surface of the Earth and is one of the most important terrestrial archives of long-term dust deposition. Loess appears on almost all continents, and ranges in thickness up to se...
Richards, DanielAllen, KaraGraham, ScottHarcourt, NikkiKirk, NickLavorel, SandraMcnally, SamPolyakov, MaksymWhitehead, David
Small patches of trees add structural heterogeneity to grassland landscapes, support biodiversity, and provide essential ecosystem services including carbon stocks and sequestration, erosion control, and shade provision. In Aotearoa-New Zealand (A-NZ) small patches of trees have further cultural significance within Te Ao Māori – the worldview of th...
We measured the long-term physical denudation of the Ogooué River catchment using 10Be produced in situ by cosmic rays. These measurements are averaged over 25-200 ka (average 40 ka), depending on the physical denudation rate. The denudation rate of the Ogooué River catchment is slow (38 t/km2/a, 15 m/Ma), slightly higher than in Equatorial West Af...