Tramblay, Yves Sultan, Benjamin Amoussou, Ernest Arias, Paola A. Bodian, Ansoumana Fita Borrell, Lluís. Brouillet, Audrey Condom, Thomas Dezetter, Alain Diedhou, Arona
The recent sixth IPCC report highlighted the lack of studies on the impacts of climate change in the Global South. While paradoxically these countries have the weakest resilience capacity to adapt to these forthcoming changes. In this context, a co-construction workshop was organized in 2022 to define the multi-sectoral needs of different academic ...
Le Roux, Gaël. Ah-Peng, Claudine Liu, Rongqin Hagelskjaer, Oskar Margenart, Henar Sonke, Jeroen Hansson, Sophia V. Piotrowska, Natalia Pautot, Corinne van Beek, Pieter
Contrary to temperate and boreal peatlands built after the glacial retreat, tropical peatlands are potentially recording environmental information pre-dating the Holocene. However on tropical volcanic islands, Sphagnum moss are scarce and/or rarely build peat.Within the framework of the several projects on the territory of Reunion Island, we sample...
Rohr, Eric Pillepich, Annalisa Nelson, Dylan Ayromlou, Mohammadreza Péroux, Céline Zinger, Elad
The intracluster medium (ICM) today is comprised largely of hot gas with clouds of cooler gas of unknown origin and lifespan. We analyze the evolution of cool gas (temperatures $\lesssim10^{4.5}$ K) in the ICM of 352 galaxy clusters from the TNG-Cluster simulations, with present-day mass $\sim10^{14.3-15.4}\,{\rm M_\odot}$. We follow the main proge...
Jones, Michael Sand, David Spekkens, Kristine Karunakaran, Ananthan Oman, Kyle Mutlu Pakdil, Burcin Crnojevic, Denija Bennet, Paul Fielder, Catherine Gwyn, Stephen
We have imaged eight Milky Way-like satellite systems, a total of 42 satellites, from the Satellites Around Galactic Analogs (SAGA) catalog in both Hα and HI with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Jansky Very Large Array. In these eight systems we have identified four cases where a satellite appears to be currently undergoing ram pressure ...
Marshall, Jameeka Petric, Andreea Flagey, Nicolas Lacy, Mark Omont, Alain
There is a connection between black holes (BH) and the surrounding bulge stars. Measuring the cold interstellar medium (ISM) content of host galaxies is essential to understand the coevolution of galaxies and BHs. The ISM measurement is important because gas constitutes the raw material from which BHs grow and stars form. Quasars are extremely lumi...
Luo, Yuanze Petric, Andreea Janssen, Reinier Fadda, Dario Flagey, Nicolas Omont, Alain Alatalo, Katherine Patil, Pallavi Rowlands, Kate Billot, Nicolas
We present IRAM CO observations for 20 nearby, optically luminous, narrow line type 2 QSOs (QSO2s). We examine if and how their ISM properties compare with those of nearby luminous Infrared galaxies, and of type 1 QSOs (QSO1s) with CO data from the literature that have similar redshifts and accretion efficiency approximated by their [OIII] luminosi...
Alimardanova, F. Miroshnichenko, A. S. Zharikov, S. V. Rudy, R. J. Manset, N. Kusakin, A. V. Kuratov, K. S. Khokhlov, S.
MWC 137 is an object with a strong emission-line spectrum associated with an 1'-size H Imall> region Sharpless 266. It was included in a catalog of planetary nebulae in 1967, in the first list of objects with the B[e] phenomenon in 1976, and in a list of Herbig Ae/Be stars in 1984. A recent analysis of the stellar and nebular spectra of MWC 137 by ...
Sobeck, Jennifer Frinchaboy, Peter Sheinis, Andrew Cuby, Jean-Gabriel
Over the next few years, the build of the Pathfinder instrument will be underway at the 3.6-m Canada France Hawaii Telescope. Pathfinder will augment the current suite of instrumentation and scientific capabilities of CFHT. It will also advance the development of the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE), a next-generation instrument which is set t...
Tiong, Blaise C. Kuo
With the proliferation and availability of Software as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service, many organizations face decisions on their computing systems architecture that take into account the cloud looming overhead. At CFHT, computing has mainly stayed under the roof or dome, but the cloud has had an undeniable effect on systems design. Incr...
Zakhozhay, O. V. Miroshnichenko, A. S. Kuratov, K. S. Zakhozhay, V. A. Khokhlov, S. A. Zharikov, S. V. Manset, N.
We present the results of a spectroscopic analysis and spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling for a young B-type star IRAS 22150+6109. The optical multicolor photometric data were obtained at the Tien-Shan Astronomical Observatory near Almaty, Kazakhstan. Infrared photometry was taken from various sky surveys, such as IRAS, WISE, and AKARI. Hi...