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Marine fish communities suffer from anthropogenic pressures and climate change, which influence their spatiotemporal dynamics. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been established worldwide to preserve these communities, while mesophotic ecosystems could provide natural refugia. Assessing the extent to which MPAs and deeper ecosystems can mitigate h...
This article is devoted to the presentation of the MAP-IO observation program. This program, launched in early 2021, has enabled the observation of nearly 700 d of measurements over the Indian and Southern Ocean with the equipment of 17 meteorological and oceanographic scientific instruments on board the ship Marion Dufresne. Several observational ...
In the midlatitudes of the planet, we are facing the imminent disappearance of one of our best high-resolution (pre)historic climate and anthropogenic pollution archives, namely the loss of glacial ice, through accelerated global warming. To capture these records and interpret these vanishing archives, it is imperative that we extract ice-cores fro...
We present direct measurements of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC)-induced nitrate radical (NO3) reactivity (kVOC) through the diel cycle in the suburban, temperate forest of Rambouillet near Paris (France). The data were obtained in a 6-week summer period in 2022 as part of the Atmospheric ChemistRy Of the Suburban foreSt (ACROSS) campaig...
Abstract The Mediterranean region is experiencing pronounced aridification and in certain areas higher occurrence of intense precipitation. In this work, we analyze the evolution of the precipitation probability distribution in terms of precipitating days (or “wet‐days”) and all‐days quantile trends, in Europe and the Mediterranean, using the ERA5 ...
The problems of light pollution and the unprecedented issues raised by its management in the many territories currently concerned with the preservation of the nocturnal environment are complex real-world problems. This complexity and the need to grasp these issues in their entirety are now forcing researchers to go beyond traditional disciplinary a...
Spore size, color and melanin content are hypothesized to be functional in relation to environmental stress. We studied AM fungal spores in arid environments of Australia and in an experimental platform simulating altered rainfall. Using microscopy, we measured spore color and size, and used a quantitative colorimetric assay to estimate melanin con...