How to address the question of IAQ from the occupant point of view? / How to address the question of IAQ from the occupa...
National audience
National audience
Devant le constat des externalités négatives de l’agriculture et des contextes économique et climatique incertains, un discours incitant à l’écologisation des pratiques agricoles s’est ancré dans la société sur les deux dernières décennies. Les acteurs du développement agricole et de la recherche se questionnent sur l’évolution des métiers du dével...
International audience
The energy transition from fossil fuel energy to low-carbon energy is mineral intensive. Among the required minerals rare earth elements (REEs) are core components of clean energy technologies such as wind turbines and electric vehicles. This article focuses on the relationship between rare earth elements and the energy transition, while discussing...
The French National Committee for Scientific Diving (CNPS) is an inter-agency committee on scientific diving activities. French marine universities, research institutes (CNRS-INEE/INSU/INSHS, DRASSM, EPHE, IFREMER, INRA, INSERM, IPEV, IRD, IRSTEA) and the National Museum (MNHN) are involved or represented. The CNPS, created in 1999, is the scientif...
Published in Infection ecology & epidemiology
Chronic pain is a source of major alterations in quality of life. It represents significant costs for health systems, and reduces the competitiveness of the working population. Vulnerability can drive the incidence of chronic pain, through its influence on modifiable risk factors, and reduced utilization of health care systems. But vulnerability ca...