Les observatoires de l’Infrastructure de Recherche OZCAR (Observatoires de la Zone Critique Applications et Recherche, https://www.ozcar-ri.org/) ont été initialement mis en place pour répondre à une question scientifique qui était d’intérêt pour la société. Pour répondre à ces enjeux, un ensemble de variables documentant les conditions météorologi...
Tasiaux, CassandreDochain, DenisTaylor, JoshuaRapaport, AlainVanrolleghem, Peter
This paper deals with the application of second order come convex optimization to the real time management of the wastewater treatment plants and sewer network of Paris and of its suburbs. It presents preliminary results applied on a simple case study composed of (simple) validated models of three wastewater treatment plants (Seine Aval (SAV), Sein...
The external parts of mountain belts, including their foreland basins, classically present a fold-and-thrust belt often detached on shallow decollement levels. These areas exhibit complex geometries with significant non-cylindrical components, necessitating a 3D approach to accurately determine the timing and style of deformation in the external zo...
Introduction: In the frame of regulation CE 1069/1009, the European Union requires food waste (FW) to be pasteurized before anaerobic digestion (AD) to eliminate potential pathogens. AD of FW produces high amounts of total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) which provide a pathogens hygienization capacity. These chemical condi...