Dujardin, Guillaume Lacroix-Violet, Ingrid Nahas, Anthony
This article introduces a new numerical method for the minimization under constraints of a discrete energy modeling multicomponents rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in the regime of strong confinement and with rotation. Moreover, we consider both segregation and coexistence regimes between the components. The method includes a discretization of a...
Jonval, Maxime Ben Gharbia, Ibtihel Cancès, Clément Faney, Thibault Tran, Quang Huy
Chemical equilibria computations, especially those with vanishing species in the aqueous phase, lead to nonlinear systems that are difficult to solve due to gradient blow up. Instead of the commonly used ad hoc treatments, we propose two reformulations of the single-phase chemical equilibrium problem which are in line with the spirit of preconditio...
Biezemans, Rutger A. Bris, Claude Le Legoll, Frédéric Lozinski, Alexei
We study the numerical approximation of advection-diffusion equations with highly oscillatory coefficients and possibly dominant advection terms by means of the Multiscale Finite Element Method. The latter method is a now classical, finite element type method that performs a Galerkin approximation on a problem-dependent basis set, itself pre-comput...
Kwok, Felix
We propose a new parallel-in-time algorithm for solving optimal control problems constrained by partial differential equations. Our approach, which is based on a deeper understanding of ParaExp, considers an overlapping time-domain decomposition in which we combine the solution of homogeneous problems using exponential propagation with the local so...
Orlando, Giuseppe Benacchio, Tommaso Bonaventura, Luca
We present a quantitative assessment of the impact of high-order mappings on the simulation of flows over complex orography. Curved boundaries were not used in early numerical methods, whereas they are employed to an increasing extent in state of the art computational fluid dynamics codes, in combination with high-order methods, such as the Finite ...
Williams, David Wintraecken, Mathijs
There are very few mathematical results governing the interpolation of functions or their gradients on Delaunay meshes in more than two dimensions. Unfortunately, the standard techniques for proving optimal interpolation properties are often limited to triangular meshes. Furthermore, the results which do exist, are tailored towards interpolation wi...
Calloo, Ansar Evans, Matthew Lockyer, Henry Madiot, François Pryer, Tristan Zanetti, Luca
We introduce a novel property of bounded Voronoi tessellations that enables cycle-free mesh sweeping algorithms. We prove that a topological sort of the dual graph of any Voronoi tessellation is feasible in any flow direction and dimension, allowing straightforward application to discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretisations of first-order hyperbolic...
Bect, Julien Georg, Niklas Römer, Ulrich Schöps, Sebastian
This work is concerned with the kernel-based approximation of a complex-valued function from data, where the frequency response function of a partial differential equation in the frequency domain is of particular interest. In this setting, kernel methods are employed more and more frequently, however, standard kernels do not perform well. Moreover,...
Bayer, Fabia Leine, Remco I. Thomas, Olivier Grolet, Aurélien
International audience
Azouri, Assaf Roeber, Volker Merrifield, Mark Becker, Janet
Three phase-resolving weakly dispersive wave models are used for 2DH (2D depth-integrated) computations of large-scale wave-by-wave processes induced by highly energetic sea/swell (SS) forcing near Haleʻiwa on the North Shore of Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. The computed model results are compared to observations obtained over a nearshore cross-reef transect and...