Leglaive, Simon Fraticelli, Matthieu ElGhazaly, Hend Borne, Léonie Sadeghi, Mostafa Wisdom, Scott Pariente, Manuel Hershey, John R. Pressnitzer, Daniel Barker, Jon P.
Supervised models for speech enhancement are trained using artificially generated mixtures of clean speech and noise signals. However, the synthetic training conditions may not accurately reflect real-world conditions encountered during testing. This discrepancy can result in poor performance when the test domain significantly differs from the synt...
Heuillet, Alexandre Nasser, Ahmad Arioui, Hichem Tabia, Hedi
In the past few years, Differentiable Neural Architecture Search (DNAS) rapidly imposed itself as the trending approach to automate the discovery of deep neural network architectures. This rise is mainly due to the popularity of DARTS, one of the first major DNAS methods. In contrast with previous works based on Reinforcement Learning or Evolutiona...
Eramo, Romina Said, Bilal Oriol, Marc Bruneliere, Hugo Morales, Sergio
The increasing complexity of modern systems poses numerous challenges at all stages of system development and operation. Continuous software and system engineering processes, e.g., DevOps, are increasingly adopted and spread across organizations. In parallel, many leading companies have begun to apply artificial intelligence (AI) principles and tec...
Michelucci, Romain Pallez, Denis Cazenave, Tristan Comet, Jean-Paul
Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is largely responsible for the improvement not only of many computer games, including Go and General Game Playing (GPP), but also of real-world continuous Markov decision process problems. MCTS initially uses the Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees (UCT), but the Rapid Action Value Estimation (RAVE) heuristic has...
Labatut, Vincent
Bipartite networks serve as highly suitable models to represent systems involving interactions between two distinct types of entities, such as online dating platforms, job search services, or ecommerce websites. These models can be leveraged to tackle a number of tasks, including link prediction among the most useful ones, especially to design reco...
Griselin, Nicolas
The manufacturing of rotor composite parts for helicopters involves different steps, including ply preparation, molding, curing, de-molding, machining of parts, quality control and finishing phases (such as painting). During the quality control, each part is systematically inspected using a Radiographic Testing (RT) approach. This is a non-destruct...
Patracone, Jordan Anquetil, Lucas Liu, Yuan Gasso, Gilles Canu, Stéphane
Recent works have revealed the vulnerability of deep neural network (DNN) classifiers to adversarial attacks. Among such attacks, it is common to distinguish specific attacks adapted to each example from universal ones, referred to as example-agnostic. Even though specific adversarial attacks are efficient on their target DNN classifier to attack, ...
Musslin, Lola Bazin, Alexandre Huchard, Marianne Martin, Pierre Poncelet, Pascal Raveneau, Vincent Sallaberry, Arnaud
Implication is a core notion of Formal Concept Analysis and its extensions. It provides information about the regularities present in the data. When one considers a relational data set of real-size, implications are numerous and their formulation, which combines primitive and relational attributes computed using Relational Concept Analysis framewor...
Verma, Nilesh Bifet, Albert Pfahringer, Bernhard Bahri, Maroua
Online learning poses a significant challenge to AutoML, as the best model and configuration may change depending on the data distribution. To address this challenge, we propose Automated Streaming Machine Learning (ASML), an online learning framework that automatically finds the best machine learning models and their configurations for changing da...
Gaetano, Raffaele Ienco, Dino
Semi-supervised domain adaptation methods leverage information from a source labelled domain with the goal of generalizing over a scarcely labelled target domain. While this setting already poses challenges due to potential distribution shifts between domains, an even more complex scenario arises when source and target data differs in modality repr...