Etoffes de pierre. Techniques d’imitation du textile dans les peintures médiévales du Sud-Ouest de la France
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International audience
International audience
International audience
Over the years, predictive modelling has been characterized as being environmentally deterministic, a-temporal, or even as a way of ‘effectively de-humanising the past’. Over the past ten years, however, spatial analysis of settlement patterns has progressed substantially, paying much more attention to the role of socio-cultural factors and the ana...
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Site archéologique proche d'un habitat calabrais côtier très ancien, peuplé d'Enotres au 7e-6e siècle av. J.-C..Ill., plans, couv. ill. en coul.,2 plans dépl. formats divers. Textes en français et en italien. Bibliogr. p. [263]-266. Contient notamment : Gli AEgyptiaca di Amendolara
International audience
International audience