Lemoine, Xavier
Ce chapitre d’ouvrage collectif offre une mise en perspective du travail de A.D. Smith qui a été largement commenté aux États-Unis pour son approche documentaire. Son talent d’actrice protéiforme l’a rendu très célèbre et a permis la d’une version télévisée de certains de ses spectacles. L’article, qui conclut cet ouvrage, démontre la radicalité de...
Fournier, Mauricette
La communication a pour objet d'explorer les différents quartiers de Jérusalem dans les pas du canadien Guy Delisle, auteur du reportage graphique « Chroniques de Jérusalem », paru en 2011 et lauréat du Fauve d'or en 2012 (prix du meilleur album du festival de bande dessinée d'Angoulême) et de retranscrire les représentations urbaines de l'œuvre pa...
Lapied, André Toquebeuf, Pascal
Published in
Theory and Decision
This note completes the main result of Zimper (Theory and decision, doi:10.1007/s11238-010-9221-8, 2010), by showing that additional conditions are needed in order the law of iterated expectations to hold true for Choquet decision makers. Due to the comonotonic additivity of Choquet expectations, the equation E[f, ν(dω)] = E[E[f(ωi, j), ν(Ai, j|Ai)...
Nishimura, Kazuo Nourry, Carine Seegmuller, Thomas Venditti, Alain
We introduce public spending, financed through income taxation, into the Ramsey model with heterogeneous agents. Public spending as a source of welfare generates more complex dynamics. In contrast to previous contributions focusing on similar models but with wasteful public spending, limit cycles through Hopf bifurcation and expectation-driven fluc...
Bosquet, Clément Combes, Pierre-Philippe
Published in
Thanks to a unique individual dataset of French academics in economics, we explain individual publication and citation records by gender and age, co-authorship patterns (average number of authors per article and size of the co-author network) and specialisation choices (percentage of output in each JEL code). The analysis is performed on both EconL...
Lubrano, Michel Ndoye, Abdoul Aziz Junior
We develop Bayesian inference for an unconditional quantile regression model. Our approach provides better estimates in the upper tail of the wage distribution as well as valid small sample confidence intervals for the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition. We analyze the recent changes in the US wage structure using data from the CPS Outgoing Rotation Grou...
Nishimura, Kazuo Nourry, Carine Seegmuller, Thomas Venditti, Alain
We examine the impact of balanced-budget consumption taxes on the existence of expectations-driven business cycles in two-sector economies with infinitely-lived households. We prove that, whatever the relative capital intensity difference across sectors, aggregate instability can occur if the consumption tax rate is not too low. Moreover, we show t...
Dufourt, Frédéric Nishimura, Kazuo Venditti, Alain
We analyze local indeterminacy and sunspot-driven fluctuations in the standard two-sector model with additively separable preferences. We provide a detailed theoretical analysis enabling us to derive relevant bifurcation loci and to characterize the steady-state local stability properties as a function of various structural parameters influencing t...
Boutoulle, Frédéric
L’enquête de 1236-1237 sur les excès des baillis royaux en Entre-deux-Mers bordelais a été enclenchée par le roi d’Angleterre Henri III en réponse à des plaintes de ses sujets gascons et du clergé de la région. L’information qui lui est remontée est consignée dans un procès-verbal, élaboré à l’initiative de deux commissaires mandatés par le roi-duc...
Shahab, Ahmed Misquith, Chelsea Bashir, Zubair
Published in
Open heart
Cardiac rehabilitation has proven beneficial in cardiovascular patients and is strongly recommended for secondary prevention after a coronary event. However, overall utilisation of cardiac rehabilitation is often low. The addition of novel methods of rehabilitation may increase overall compliance with cardiac rehabilitation. The use of virtual real...