Eastward-moving convection-enhanced modons in shallow water in the equatorial tangent plane
International audience
International audience
International audience
International audience
International audience
International audience
Published in Annals of botany
Growing cultivars differing by their disease resistance level together (cultivar mixtures) can reduce the propagation of diseases. Although architectural characteristics of cultivars are little considered in mixture design, they could have an effect on disease, in particular through spore dispersal by rain splash, which occurs over short distances....
Significant lowering has been observed in the Lake Ziway volume, which hinders the lake services for a wide variety of ecosystems. However, the contribution of water withdrawal, land cover change and climate change has not been quantified yet due to scarce data for rainfall-runoff modeling. Hydrological modeling for runoff simulation requires long-...
We present a new closure study between radiosonde and microwave satellite humidity measurements. The radiosonde data are from the Global Climate Observing System Reference Upper-Air Network. The satellite data are from the radiometers: MHS, Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder, and Sondeur Atmosphérique du Profil d'Humidité Intertropicale par Radi...
Les chutes de blocs constituent un aléa naturel majeur dans les Alpes françaises en raison de leur probabilité d'occurrence spatiale et temporelle très élevée. Les forêts peuvent constituer une solution naturelle et efficace pour atténuer ce phénomène tout en protégeant les populations et leurs infrastructures. Cependant, ce service écosystémique p...
International audience