Guo, Jinjiang Vidal, Vincent Cheng, Irene Basu, Anup Baskurt, Atilla Lavoue, Guillaume
Objective visual quality assessment of 3D models is a fundamental issue in computer graphics. Quality assessment metrics may allow a wide range of processes to be guided and evaluated, such as level of detail creation, compression, filtering, and so on. Most computer graphics assets are composed of geometric surfaces on which several texture images...
Hocquet, Sylvain Ramel, Jean-Yves Cardot, Hubert
In this paper, we propose a method to realize a classification of keystroke dynamics users before performing user authentication. The objective is to set automatically the individual parameters of the classification method for each class of users. Features are extracted from each user learning set, and then a clustering algorithm divides the user s...
Gutierrez, Jorge Rabin, Julien Galerne, Bruno Hurtut, Thomas
This paper describes a novel approach for on demand volumetric texture synthesis based on a deep learning framework that allows for the generation of high quality 3D data at interactive rates. Based on a few example images of textures, a generative network is trained to synthesize coherent portions of solid textures of arbitrary sizes that reproduc...
Pham, Chi-Hieu Tor-Díez, Carlos Meunier, Hélène Bednarek, Nathalie Fablet, Ronan Passat, Nicolas Rousseau, François
Published in
Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society
The purpose of super-resolution approaches is to overcome the hardware limitations and the clinical requirements of imaging procedures by reconstructing high-resolution images from low-resolution acquisitions using post-processing methods. Super-resolution techniques could have strong impacts on structural magnetic resonance imaging when focusing o...
Chan-Hon-Tong, Adrien
One of the most burning issue in deep learning community is the well known adversarial example phenomenon where two very close samples are classified differently. In this paper, I offer to see in this phenomenon the opportunity to help the training with a new kind of regularisation and/or semi supervised training. The main idea is to use both class...
Merveille, Odyssee Naegel, Benoit Talbot, Hugues Passat, Nicolas
Published in
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Curvilinear structure restoration in image processing procedures is a difficult task, which can be compounded when these structures are thin, i.e., when their smallest dimension is close to the resolution of the sensor. Many recent restoration methods involve considering a local gradient-based regularization term as prior, assuming gradient sparsit...
Weiss, Pierre Escande, Paul Dong, Yiqiu
We design an image quality measure independent of local contrast changes, which constitute simple models of illumination changes. Given two images, the algorithm provides the image closest to the first one with the component tree of the second. This problem can be cast as a specific convex program called isotonic regression. We provide a few analyt...
Attallah, Bilal Serir, Amina Chahir, Youssef
International audience
Calatroni, Luca Chambolle, Antonin
We present and analyse a backtracking strategy for a general Fast Iterative Shrink-age/Thresholding Algorithm which has been recently proposed in [11] for strongly convex objective functions. Differently from classical Armijo-type line searching, our backtracking rule allows for local increase and decrease of the Lipschitz constant estimate along t...
Taffar, Mokhtar Miguet, Serge
Published in
Pattern Analysis and Applications
In this work, we propose a new formulation of the objects modeling combining geometry and appearance; it is useful for detection and recognition. The object local appearance location is referenced with respect to an invariant which is a geometric landmark. The appearance (shape and texture) is a combination of Harris–Laplace descriptor and local bi...