Topal, Ibrahim Halil
Published in
Employing manifold symbolic, iconic, and indexical signs – whether linguistic or extralinguistic – along with their polysemic and multimodular features, edusemiotics is an integrative and interdisciplinary conceptual framework that surmounts learning processes where learners find significance and meaning under the assumed responsibility of English ...
Levesque, Simon Bédard, Pascale
Published in
Le concept d’ethos, que l’étymologie rattache à l’éthique, aux mœurs et à la morale, est ici examiné à l’intersection des études sémiotiques et des sciences sociales. Une méthode est développée pour l’étude des caractères, ou ethe, qui passe par la reconnaissance des signes éthiques sur les scènes d’énonciation considérées, elles-mêmes constitutive...
Zeng, Lei Zhu, Xinyu
Published in
As an intercultural modern art form, web-based ink and wash cartoons are significant tools to communicate cultural identities in the Chinese context because of their entertaining form, thought-provoking content, and profound cultural connotation. Against this background, the present study investigates the multimodal appraisal systems of 96 web-base...
Zhu, Junling
Published in
Recent literature has revealed the upsurge of populism in political and media discourses across the world. However, few studies have acknowledged the importance of cultivating critical language awareness among citizens in democracies. Drawing on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics and Fairclough’s Critical Discourse, this study critically an...
Manolino, Carola
Published in
Mathematics is often defined as a “universal” or “conventional” language. Yet, things may be not as simple as that. The theoretical lens of the semiosphere, with the related notions of context and spatial dynamics, within which the concept of cultural conflict is defined, provides a new framework for research in mathematics education to consider th...
Yu, Zhigang Doran, Yaegan
Published in
Chemistry is a highly technical field that relies heavily on a range of symbolic and imagic formalisms. These formalisms conceptualize specific chemical knowledge into semiotic resources that are rarely used elsewhere in most other academic fields or contexts. To develop an understanding of semiosis in highly technical fields such as chemistry, key...
Bonifaci, Jacinto Paez
Published in
Bernoussi, Mohamed
Published in
Cet article aborde la question du corps après la mort telle que la tradition arabo-musulmane le décrit d’abord dans le Coran et les hadiths (paroles du prophète Mahomet), puis dans l’abondante littérature de 'Adhâb al-Qabr (les terreurs salutaires de la tombe). C’est un sujet qui est étroitement lié à la sémiotique du corps, à la sémiotique de la r...
Zhou, Nana
Published in
This article presents a fresh perspective on the interplay among visual, verbal, and auditory modalities, positing that these modalities, as semogenic resources, compete to express dynamic meanings. The theoretical paradigm emphasizes that whether a modality or an element within a modality gets or loses semantic status, it will elicit an additional...
Paskaleva, Bogdana
Published in
Taking the manuscript On the Dual Essence of Language as a starting point, the article follows the scholarly tradition of reexamining the position of Ferdinand de Saussure’s linguistics regarding twentieth-century semiotics and structuralism. After half a century of research on Saussure’s manuscript legacy, the manuscript discovered in 1996 and pub...