Carlsson, Rikke R Pommerencke, Lis Marie Pant, Sofie W Jørgensen, Sanne E Madsen, Katrine R Bonnesen, Camilla T Kierkegaard, Lene Pedersen, Trine P
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
The aim of the present study was to analyse trends in full breastfeeding for at least 4 months across socioeconomic position in Denmark over a 17-year-long period from 2002 to 2019 using parental education as the indicator of socioeconomic position. The study used data on full breastfeeding collected between 2002 and 2019 by community health nurses...
Askeland, Kristin Gärtner Radlick, Rebecca Lynn BØe, Tormod Hysing, Mari La Greca, Annette M Nilsen, Sondre Aasen
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
The study aimed to investigate the association between parental unemployment and grade point average and school completion in adolescence, and the importance of family cohesion, parental education, and family income in explaining these associations. Data stem from the Norwegian cross-sectional 2012 youth@hordaland-survey including 8437 adolescents ...
Kovbasiuk, Anna Ciechanowski, Leon Jemielniak, Dariusz
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
To investigate the longevity of a large sample of Olympic Games participants, considering the interaction between different types of sports and medal awards. Data scraping from Wikipedia and Wikidata allowed us to collect a sample of 102,993 famous athletes. We selected 20 of the most populated disciplines to make the groups comparable. We conducte...
Wagner, Sabina Smith Jervelund, Signe Larsen, Sara Rudbæk Hempler, Nana Folmann
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
CUSTOM is a culturally sensitive diabetes self-management education and support programme tailored to Urdu, Turkish and Arabic-speaking people in Denmark. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to examine the functional social support perceived by CUSTOM participants before and after the intervention; and, second, to explore how participants' st...
Larsen, Mads L Hoei-Hansen, Christina E Rackauskaite, Gija
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
To determine the quality of prospectively collected data from the highly specialized Danish Cerebral Palsy Follow-up Program (CPOP), and to establish the validity of a reported cerebral palsy (CP) diagnosis in the Danish National Patient Registry (NPR), regularly used as a proxy for neurodevelopmental disorders in epidemiological research. We compa...
Raunkiaer, Mette Mikkelsen, Tina B Shabnam, Jahan Christiansen, Sofie R Jarlbaek, Lene
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
Based on selected themes from a national survey, the study aims to describe and analyse similarities and differences in community-based palliative care provided to people living at home in two different care settings - the nursing home setting and the home care setting. Responses from four palliative care themes covered by a national survey sent to...
Kauppi, Krista J Roos, Eira T Borg, Patrik T Cantell, Katarina S Torkki, Paulus M
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
Lack of consensus on wellness has led to a vast number of different conceptualisations, which hinder international efforts to monitor individual-level wellness and social progress comparably. This study aimed to aid in the harmonisation of the concept by contributing to the scarce research on laypeople's views on wellness. The study investigates wh...
Sætren, Sjur S Hegelstad, Wenche Ten Velden Tjora, Tore Hafstad, Gertrud S Augusti, Else-Marie
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) is among the most popular and widely used measures of emotion regulation across age groups. This study aimed to validate the CERQ short version (CERQ-short) for use on adolescents in the Norwegian population. A sample of 3461 adolescents (47.3% girls) aged 12-16 years was recruited through the U...
Kjeld, Simone G Homberg, Teresa Andersen, Susan
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
Smoking and poor mental health in youth represent important public health priorities. This study aimed to (i) compare tobacco-related behaviors and mental health in two educational settings with high smoking rates: vocational education and training (VET) schools and preparatory basic education (PBE) schools, and (ii) examine associations between sm...
Lahti, Jouni Reinikainen, Jaakko Kontto, Jukka Zhou, Zhi Koskinen, Seppo Laaksonen, Mikko Partonen, Timo Elonheimo, Hanna Lundqvist, Annamari Tolonen, Hanna
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
Aims: To examine age-group and birth-cohort trends in perceived work ability in Finland in 2000-2020 and make projections of perceived work ability up to 2040 based on the observed birth-cohort development. Methods: Ten population-representative cross-sectional surveys conducted in Finland between 2000 and 2020 were used (overall N = 61,087, range ...