Lafuente, Cristina
Published in
Social security administrative data are increasingly becoming available in many countries. These data have a long panel structure (large N, large T) and allow for the measurement of many different variables with high accuracy. It also captures short-term unemployment spells which are normally unavailable in survey data due to its design. However, t...
Carrasco, Raquel Ruiz-Castillo, Javier
Published in
The original publication of the article contains errors which need to be amended as mentioned.
Andina-Díaz, Ascensión García-Martínez, José A. Parravano, Antonio
Published in
We present a dynamic model of competition in the media industry in which behavioral media outlets compete for the publication of scoops, and both the publication of scoops and their veracity determine an outlet’s future audience. We study the dynamics of the audiences of outlets and how those dynamics relate to two issues: how harsh a society is wi...
Jimeno, Juan F.
Published in
This paper surveys recent research on the macroeconomic implications of demographic and technological changes. Lower fertility and increasing longevity have implications on the age population structure and, therefore, on the balance between savings and investment. Jointly with meagre productivity growth, this implies a low natural rate of interest ...
Deng, Yaguo Veiga, Helena Wiper, Michael P.
Published in
The tourism industry, in particular the hotel sector, is a highly competitive market. In this context, it is important that an hotel chain operates efficiently if it wants to improve or maintain its market position. The objective of this work is to compare the relative efficiency of hotel chains operating in Spain. To do this, we have designed a st...
Carrasco, Raquel Ruiz-Castillo, Javier
Published in
Using a dataset of 3540 economists working in 2007 in 125 of the best academic centers in 22 countries, this paper presents some evidence on spatial mobility patterns in Spain and other countries conditional on some personal, department, and country characteristics. There are productivity and other reasons for designing a scientific policy with the...
Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio García, Manu Puch, Luis A. Ruiz, Jesús
Published in
In this paper, we discuss the time series properties of a novel daily series of aggregate employment creation and destruction as registered by the Social Security in Spain. We focus on the period of economic recovery after the 2012 Labour Market Reform. Our concern for high-frequency data is motivated by the recent upsurge of labour contracts of a ...
Ayala, Astrid Blazsek, Szabolcs
Published in
In this paper we introduce new Dynamic Conditional Score (DCS) models for the Skew-Gen-t (Skewed Generalized t) and NIG (Normal-Inverse Gaussian) distributions as alternatives to the recent DCS models for the Student’s-t and EGB2 (Exponential Generalized Beta of the second kind) distributions, respectively. The DCS models we propose include stochas...
Anghel, Brindusa Basso, Henrique Bover, Olympia Casado, José María Hospido, Laura Izquierdo, Mario Kataryniuk, Ivan A. Lacuesta, Aitor Montero, José Manuel Vozmediano, Elena
Published in
This paper analyses the level of inequality in Spain and how it evolved over the course of the past crisis and the early stages of the current recovery. To this end, it first introduces the various dimensions of wage, income, consumption and wealth inequality, and studies how they have developed. The analysis shows less wage dispersion in Spain tha...
Rosselló Villalonga, Joan
Published in
The empirical evidence on the relationship between political decentralization and corruption is far from clear. We develope a model that analizes the relationship between decentralization and corruption and show how cost–benefit calculations can lead public administrations to tolerate a certain degree of corruption. In the model economy, the centra...