Vongcharoen, K. Santanoo, S. Banterng, P. Jogloy, S. Vorasoot, N. Theerakulpisut, P.
Published in
Seasonal variations in photosynthesis of cassava cv. Rayong 9 (RY9) under irrigated and rain-fed conditions were evaluated at the age of three and six months after planting (MAP). Photosynthetic light-response (PN/I) curves revealed that cassava leaves attained the highest maximum net photosynthetic rates (PNmax) in the rainy season, followed by th...
Shao, R. X. Xin, L. F. Guo, J. M. Zheng, H. F. Mao, J. Han, X.P. Jia, L. Jia, S. J. Du, C. G. Song, R.
Published in
Salicylic acid (SA) and nitric oxide (NO) form a new group of plant growth substances that cooperatively interact to promote plant growth and productivity. Water deficit (WD) stress is a major limiting factor for photosynthesis, which in turn limits crop yield. However, the mechanism of SA and NO in stimulating photosynthesis has not yet been eluci...
Lysenko, V. Lazár, D. Varduny, T.
Published in
A simple method of a bicolor (multicolor), fast-Fourier, PAM chlorophyll fluorometry has been developed to obtain fluorescence induction curves. Quantum yields of PSII photochemistry were determined with blue and red simultaneously applied pulsed measuring lights for three subsequent 20-min periods of dark-, light-adaptation under actinic light and...
Liu, L. Shang, Y. K. Li, L. Chen, Y. H. Qin, Z. Z. Zhou, L. J. Yuan, M. Ding, C. B. Liu, J. Huang, Y.
Published in
In order to understand better Cd resistance in soybean, Dongying wild soybean treated with different Cd concentrations were evaluated. The biomass, chlorophyll (Chl) content, leaf color, Chl a fluorescence parameters, photosynthesis parameters, and Cd contents were determined. Our results showed that when Cd concentration was ≤ 2 kg m–3, no signifi...
Wang, J. Chen, Y. Wang, P. Li, Y. S. Wang, G. Liu, P. Khan, A.
Published in
Growth and physiological responses of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars with different phosphorus (P) efficiencies under variable P environment are poorly known. Therefore, this study explored effects of normal P [P+, 70 kg(P2O5) ha–1] and without P (P−, 0 kg ha–1) on yield, growth, and physiology of different P-efficient cultivars [low-effi...
Lei, Z. Y. Han, J. M. Yi, X. P. Zhang, W. F. Zhang, Y. L.
Published in
Drought stress causes changes in vein and stomatal density. The objectives of this study were to determine (1) if the changes in vein and stomatal density are coordinated in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and (2) how these changes affect water-use efficiency (WUE). The results showed significant positive correlations between vein density and stomat...
Lu, Y. W. Miao, X. L. Song, Q. Y. Peng, S. M. Duan, B. L.
Published in
Morphological and ecophysiological traits showed by male and female Populus tomentosa Carr. trees were studied under various degrees of water and alkaline stresses. The results showed that different adaptations to drought and alkaline stresses were adopted by each gender; males possessed a much higher tolerance to both stresses compared to females....
Khoshbakht, D. Asghari, M. R. Haghighi, M.
Published in
The effects of exogenous sodium nitroprusside (SNP), as nitric oxide donor, and spermidine (Spd) on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Bakraii seedlings (Citrus reticulata × Citrus limetta) were studied under NaCl stress. In citrus plants, SNP- and Spd-induced growth improvement was found to be associated with reduced electrolyte leakage,...
Zhang, Q.L. Wei, Y.X. Peng, C.L.
Published in
Ascorbic acid (Asc) is a major plant antioxidant. L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GLDH) is an enzyme that catalyzes the last step of Asc biosynthesis in higher plants. Effects of endogenous Asc on resistance to high-temperature stress were studied by using GLDH-overexpressed (GO-2) and GLDH-suppressed transgenic rice (GI-2) as experimental m...
Chekanov, K. Vasilieva, S. Solovchenko, A. Lobakova, E.
Published in
The microalga Haematococcus pluvialis is a biotechnologically important microorganism producing a ketocarotenoid astaxanthin. Haematococcus exists either as metabolically active vegetative cells with a high chlorophyll content or astaxanthin-rich haematocysts (aplanospores). This microalga featuring outstanding tolerance to a wide range of adverse ...