Chathamvelli A* Saikia D Patil K Fernandes L
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Introduction: Glomangiopericytoma (GPC) is a benign neoplasm of the sinonasal tract that consists of spindle-shaped to
ovoid cells with lobular or nodular growth patterns. GPCs are low-malignant tumors due to limited mitotic activity and atypia,
making them less aggressive. The etiology of GPC remains unknown but is associated with factors like s...
Gunda RK* Kumar JNS Prasad ABS Sandhya B Bhargavi G Padmaja KNVL Praveen S
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Transdermal drug delivery system was presented to overcome the difficulties of drug delivery especially oral route. A transdermal patch is a medicated adhesive patch that is placed on the skin to deliver a specific dose of medication through the skin and into the bloodstream. It promotes healing to an injured area of the body. An advantage of a tra...
Ndao Y*
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Introduction: E-trade covers, in addition to online selling activities, services relating to internet use. Several European
states already authorize medicines e-trade, with or without prescription. In Senegal, fake drugs online sale in violation of
pharmaceutical monopoly has provoked many debates, both among health professionals and patients. Th...
Misbah Ul Haq M* Shahidulla SM Atiqh Ur Rahman M Munaf Ur Razzak M Arif Uddin M
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Targeted drug delivery, also referred to as intelligent drug delivery, is a therapeutic approach that aims to enhance drug concentration in specific regions of the body relative to others. There are two strategies employed to target drugs to specific organs or tissues: passive targeting and active targeting. Drug delivery vehicles are utilized to t...
Uçar M* Barlak Y
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Royal jelly is a bee product and has many benefical effects on human health. In this study, the antioxidant activity of water, Dimethy sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanol extracts of royal jelly that collected from Bursa province in Turkey were investigated. Total Phenol Contents (TPC), Total Flavonoid Contents (TFC), Total Antioxidant Activity (TAA) and...
Singh A Sinha A Ghosh M*
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
ICH Q7 i.e., Good Manufacturing Practice guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients was the late outcome of ICH. The ICH Q7 Guideline is originally based on a PIC/S draft guideline on API and was adopted by PIC/S in 2001, then integrated as part II of the PIC/S GMP Guide in 2007.Q7 is a firm list of what makes an operating Pharmaceutical Quality S...
Mounika N* Munija P Tejaswini A
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
The drug markets on the planet have various prerequisites for the enrolment of a drug item. To fit the prerequisites according to the administrative organizations, an idea of basic specialized report was actualized by ICH. Getting ready administrative entries in the drug business can be an extremely upsetting encounter because of the enormous measu...
Omer AM*
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
The strategy of price liberalisation and privatisation had been implemented in Sudan over the last decade, and has had a positive result on government deficit. The investment law approved recently has good statements and rules on the above strategy in particular to pharmacy regulations. Under the pressure of the new privatisation policy, the govern...
Priyadarshini B Anushka S Thatraju R Anjana S Manik G*
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Any medical equipment must get a marketing authorisation from a regulatory authority before it can be sold. Obtaining authorization is a lengthy, multi-step process that requires relevant authorities to review material. After analyzing the information given by the Manufacturer, the concerned Regulatory authority provides marketing authorization. Ma...
Agarwal N*
Published in
Pharmaceutical Drug Regulatory Affairs Journal
Pharmaceuticals (analgesics and non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs-NSAIDS) though, a major human scientific development, have undoubtedly lengthened life spans, cured millions from deadly diseases, and made life comfortable and free from pain. This very success has now led to their emergence as rapidly growing environmental pollutants and contam...