Bloomfield, S Ackerley, L
Published in
Perspectives in public health
Polling indicates the public has fairly good knowledge of times when hygiene is needed in their homes and everyday life in public spaces, but limited understanding of hygiene risk; this results in omitting some key behaviours and incorrectly applying untargeted behaviours. This poll explores how the public responded to government advice, and inform...
Kolovou, V Bolton, N Crone, D Willis, S Walklett, J
Published in
Perspectives in public health
To review the barriers and facilitators that cross-sector partners face in promoting physical activity. We searched Medline, Embase, PsychINFO, ProQuest Central, SCOPUS and SPORTDiscus to identify published records dating from 1986 to August 2021. We searched for public health interventions drawn from partnerships, where the partners worked across ...
Bungay, H Jensen, A Holt, N
Published in
Perspectives in public health
The positive outcomes of engaging in the arts are increasingly reported in the research literature, supporting the use of the arts to enhance individual and community health and wellbeing. However, little attention is given to the less positive aspects of arts engagement. In some countries, healthcare practitioners and link workers can refer servic...
McQuade, L O'Sullivan, R
Published in
Perspectives in public health
There is a growing recognition of the contribution that participation in group-based arts and creativity interventions makes to our health and wellbeing. Despite this acknowledgement, more empirical investigation is required to more fully understand its impact. The aim of this mixed-method systematic review was to develop a better understanding of ...
Balaam, M-C Haith-Cooper, M Mathew, D
Published in
Perspectives in public health
Evidence demonstrates that people who are seeking asylum and refugees face individual, institutional and system-level barriers when accessing health services. Health Access for Refugees' Project (HARP) is a UK initiative increasing access to health care within this community through a series of interventions. This study explored the impact of HARP ...
Shaughnessy, C Santiago, D Donoso, P P Perkins, R Lisboa, T
Published in
Perspectives in public health
What are the aims of your study?• This study focused on two cities in South America, Salvador and Cochabamba, to explore how city spaces might impact how creative health activities are delivered and received by residents. We focus in particular on the barriers and enablers that residents report in accessing creative and cultural activities.What are...
Dhital, R Yoeli, H Adhikari, A Luitel, N P Nadkarni, A van Teijlingen, E Sin, J
Published in
Perspectives in public health
To scope the breadth of existing cultural and community assets and how alcohol drinkers and community health workers perceived them in relation to reducing alcohol-related harm. The study was conducted in Chitwan, south-central Nepal, which has considerable alcohol problems. Participatory asset mapping was conducted using field notes, photography, ...
Fell, G
Published in
Perspectives in public health
This article looks at how there is evidence that policies that alter our environment are more effective than those that work to change individual behaviour. In order to create change, a more nuanced methodology to allocate local government funding is needed.
Mitchell, S B Marks, G Lloyd, J
Published in
Perspectives in public health
Woodall, J Potts, A J Brown, Ssj
Published in
Perspectives in public health