Kylies, Dominik Zimmermann, Marina Haas, Fabian Schwerk, Maria Kuehl, Malte Brehler, Michael Czogalla, Jan Hernandez, Lola C. Konczalla, Leonie Okabayashi, Yusuke
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Complex clinical samples can be imaged with 25 nm resolution using a light-emitting-diode-based wide-field microscope.
Detappe, Alexandre Nguyen, Hung V.-T. Jiang, Yivan Agius, Michael P. Wang, Wencong Mathieu, Clelia Su, Nang K. Kristufek, Samantha L. Lundberg, David J. Bhagchandani, Sachin
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Bošković, Filip Zhu, Jinbo Tivony, Ran Ohmann, Alexander Chen, Kaikai Alawami, Mohammed F. Đorđević, Milan Ermann, Niklas Pereira-Dias, Joana Fairhead, Michael
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Polymerase-chain-reaction-based methods used in clinic to identify respiratory viral infections cannot simultaneously detect multiple viruses or viral variants. Here nanopore nucleic acid sensing is coupled to programmable ribonuclease to simultaneously identify specific short RNA sequences of multiple viruses, without predetection steps such as sa...
Peng, Guotao Sinkko, Hanna M. Alenius, Harri Lozano, Neus Kostarelos, Kostas Bräutigam, Lars Fadeel, Bengt
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Although the toxicity of graphene‐based nanomaterials on human health has been extensively studied, their impact on the microbiome remains poorly understood. Using zebrafish as a model, we show that graphene oxide modulates the immune system in a microbiome‐dependent manner through a mechanism mediated by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. The study su...
Osat, Saeed Golestanian, Ramin
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Living systems employ a common set of building blocks that can self-organize into a multitude of different structures. Now, a model system based on programmed non-reciprocal interactions, which generically emerge in non-equilibrium systems with chemical activity, exhibits self-assembly pathways that feature temporal structures in the form of cyclic...
Pastore, Chiara
Published in
Nature nanotechnology
Babakhani, Peyman Phenrat, Tanapon Baalousha, Mohammed Soratana, Kullapa Peacock, Caroline L. Twining, Benjamin S. Hochella, Michael F. Jr.
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
This Analysis considers the potential benefits and challenges of applying engineered nanoparticles for artificial-ocean-fertilization-driven carbon sequestration
Wang, Yaning Gao, Xiang Yang, Kaining Gu, Pingfan Lu, Xin Zhang, Shihao Gao, Yuchen Ren, Naijie Dong, Baojuan Jiang, Yuhang
Published in
Nature nanotechnology
The quantum Hall effect can be substantially affected by interfacial coupling between the host two-dimensional electron gases and the substrate, and has been predicted to give rise to exotic topological states. Yet the understanding of the underlying physics and the controllable engineering of this interaction remains challenging. Here we demonstra...
Zhang, Hang Zeng, Hao Eklund, Amanda Guo, Hongshuang Priimagi, Arri Ikkala, Olli
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
An optical signal transduction pathway through feedback-controlled homeostatic temperature oscillations and mechanoresponse enables dynamic functionalities in a hydrogel.
Du, Cong Li, Zujian Zhu, Xuefeng Ouyang, Guanghui Liu, Minghua
Published in
Nature Nanotechnology
Homochiral helical toroids with micrometre-scale lengths are successfully fabricated by a combined solution–interface-directed hierarchical self-assembly strategy.