Kerry, Nicholas White, K C O'Brien, Mark L Perry, Laura M Clifton, Jeremy D W
Published in
Journal of personality
We tested whether generalized beliefs that the world is safe, abundant, pleasurable, and progressing (termed "primal world beliefs") are associated with several objective measures of privilege. Three studies (N = 16,547) tested multiple relationships between indicators of privilege-including socioeconomic status, health, sex, and neighborhood safet...
Yu, Qinggang Schaefer, Stacey M Davidson, Richard J Kitayama, Shinobu
Published in
Journal of personality
The present study examined whether the effect of neuroticism on brain structure is moderated by behavioral adjustment. Neuroticism is widely thought to be harmful to health. However, recent work using proinflammatory biomarkers showed that this effect depends on behavioral adjustment, the willingness and ability to adjust and cope with environmenta...
Mitrović, Dušanka Mihić, Ljiljana Sadiković, Selka Smederevac, Snežana
Published in
Journal of personality
This study examined whether phenotypic correlations between psychopathological dimensions and personality traits of different hierarchical levels originate from common genetic and environmental sources of variance. Participants were 386 monozygotic and 204 dizygotic twins. The Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (PDSQ) was applied along ...
Busseri, Michael A Erb, Emily M
Published in
Journal of personality
Using meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM), we examined the link between Big Five personality traits and subjective well-being (SWB), operationalized as three separate components and as a latent factor indicated by life satisfaction (LS), positive affect (PA), and negative affect (NA). PA and NA were assessed based on frequency of a b...
Cease, Charlotte K Hart, William Lambert, Joshua T Witt, Danielle E
Published in
Journal of personality
Sadistic pleasure presumably incorporates processes that support an authentic enjoyment of others' pain. However, antagonism confirmation theory, grounded in social-psychological theorizing on identity maintenance and the notion of ego-syntonicity, suggests that individuals higher in sadism report greater pleasure in response to others' pain becaus...
Smillie, Luke D Ruby, Matthew B Tan, Nicholas P Stollard, Liora Bastian, Brock
Published in
Journal of personality
This research examines differential responses to ethical vegetarian appeals as a fuction of individuals' personalities. Ethical vegetarian appeals are persuasive messages promoting the adoption of a plant-based diet on moral grounds. Individuals may vary in their receptivity to such appeals, depending on their morally relevant traits (e.g., agreeab...
Wilks, Matti McCurdy, Jessica Bloom, Paul
Published in
Journal of personality
In the current project, we focus on another group of unusual altruists: people who have taken the Giving What We Can (GWWC) pledge to donate at least 10% of their income to charity. Our project aims to understand what is unique about this population. Many people care about helping, but in recent years there has been a surge of research examining th...
Thielmann, Isabel Hilbig, Benjamin E Klein, Sina A Seidl, Alicia Heck, Daniel W
Published in
Journal of personality
Among basic personality traits, Honesty-Humility yields the most consistent, negative link with dishonest behavior. The theoretical conceptualization of Honesty-Humility, however, suggests a potential boundary condition of this relation, namely, when lying is prosocial. We therefore tested the hypothesis that the association between Honesty-Humilit...
Hopwood, Christopher J Lenhausen, Madeline R Stahlmann, Alexander G Bleidorn, Wiebke
Published in
Journal of personality
Climate change is a serious threat. Personality psychologists can help address this threat by understanding what kind of people tend to endorse proenvironmental attitudes and engage in sustainable behavior. Previous research supports reliable associations between proenvironmental attitudes and personality traits. However, this research has generall...
Bai, Feng Lin, Katrina Jia Zhang, Jessica
Published in
Journal of personality
This research investigates the moral implications of trait-level moral pride and hubris, addressing prior limitations by gathering data from multiple sources. We raise two interrelated questions: (1) Do well-acquainted peers agree with their friends on judgments of trait-level moral pride and hubris? (2) Are moral pride and hubris related to diverg...