Rasmussen, Linda Aagaard Jensen, Henry Pedersen, Anette Fischer Vedsted, Peter
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
To investigate the association between fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) and healthcare use in general practice among cancer survivors. We linked nationwide register data to survey data on FCR in cancer survivors at 2.5 years after a cancer diagnosis. Multiple regression models were used to analyse the association between high FCR level and quartiles...
Beeler, Dori Christensen, Vivian Parker, Kellee Cottrell, Erika
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
Understanding the lived experiences of childhood cancer caregivers can guide the development of effective psychosocial models of care. We conducted this qualitative study to understand triggers that impact the mental health, quality of life, and mental health supportive care needs of caregivers. A maximum variation sampling strategy was used to rec...
Van Houtven, Courtney Harold Miller, Katherine E M James, Hailey J Blunt, Ryan Zhang, Wenhan Mariani, Abigail Cadua Rose, Sydney Alolod, Gerard P Wilson-Genderson, Maureen Smith, Valerie A
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
To form a multifaceted picture of family caregiver economic costs in advanced cancer. A multi-site cohort study collected prospective longitudinal data from caregivers of patients with advanced solid tumor cancers. Caregiver survey and out-of-pocket (OOP) receipt data were collected biweekly in-person for up to 24 weeks. Economic cost measures attr...
Brownson-Smith, Rosiered Orange, Samuel T Cresti, Nicola Hunt, Katherine Saxton, John Temesi, John
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
To systematically review and meta-analyse the efficacy of exercise interventions delivered before and/or during taxane-containing chemotherapy regimens on chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), fatigue, and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL), in women with breast cancer. Seven electronic databases were systematically searched for r...
Košir, Urška van de Wal, Deborah Husson, Olga Zablith, Nadine Turcotte, Robert E
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
We aimed to describe the level of agreement between patients and physicians on the ratings of daily functioning and pain in a cohort of sarcoma patients and assess how (dis)agreement and its change over time predicted patient-reported outcomes in survivorship. We performed secondary analysis of longitudinal data from a sarcoma-specialty clinic in M...
Pandey, Mohit Anand, Abhishek
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
The objective of this study is to evaluate whether the presence of a cancer history constitutes a risk for encountering unfavourable health outcomes and functional limitations. Moreover, the study also aims to identify specific attributes of cancer survivors that are associated with an increased risk of experiencing poor health and disability. This...
Strebel, Sven Baust, Katja Grabow, Desiree Byrne, Julianne Langer, Thorsten Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette Kuonen, Rahel Weiss, Annette Kepak, Tomas Kruseova, Jarmila
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
Auditory complications are potential side effects from childhood cancer treatment. Yet, limited evidence exists about the impact of auditory complications-particularly tinnitus-on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among childhood cancer survivors (CCS). We determined the prevalence of hearing loss and tinnitus in the European PanCareLIFE cohor...
Montiel, Corentin Bedrossian, Nathalie Kramer, Asher Myre, André Piché, Alexia McDonough, Meghan H Sabiston, Catherine M Petrella, Anika Gauvin, Lise Doré, Isabelle
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
Men diagnosed with cancer are underrepresented in existing supportive care programming and related research, with preliminary indications that men face unique challenges in accessing and engaging with such services. This study aims to identify barriers and facilitators related to the supportive care service access and use among men diagnosed with c...
Mullan, Lauren J Blackburn, Nicole E Gracey, Jackie Dunwoody, Lynn Lorimer, Jill Semple, Cherith J
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
Patients living with head and neck lymphoedema (HNL) after completion of head and neck cancer (HNC) often can experience long-term functional challenges and overall poorer health-related quality of life (HRQOL). This systematic review aims to explore components of effective HNL interventions through identification and synthesising literature on exi...
Weemaes, Anouk T R Sieben, Judith M Beelen, Milou Mulder, Louisa T M A Lenssen, Antoine F
Published in
Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice
The purpose of the study was to investigate perceived determinants of physical activity (PA) maintenance following supervised exercise oncology rehabilitation and the acceptability of a remote coaching intervention during this period. A phenomenological qualitative study with semi-structured interviews was conducted. Nineteen participants (16 women...