Wang, Jing Zhao, Mengli Willms, Walter D. Han, Guodong Wang, Zhongwu Bai, Yongfei
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Question: Litter (dead leaves or stems) affects production by conserving soil moisture. However, that role is not clear for grasslands where most precipitation falls during the growing season when the demand for water is high. Our question was: Does litter affect forage production in such an environment? Location: Typical steppe, Inner Mongolia. Me...
Barbour, M Kelley, E Patricia Maloney Rizzo, D Royce, E Fites-Kaufmann, J
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Jeremy, Russell‐Smith
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Abstract. As part of a wider study examining regeneration pathways in monsoon rain forest vegetation in northern Australia, a one‐off, dry season census of saplings was undertaken along transects sampled at each of 33 relatively undisturbed sites broadly representative of the range of regional monsoon rain forest vegetation. Four floristic quadrat ...
Carleton, T.J. Maycock, P.F. Arnup, R. Gordon, A.M.
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Abstract. Two extensive forest vegetation survey datasets are explored, using ordination and classification, for evidence of in situ regeneration by Pinus strobus (Eastern white pine) and P. resinosa (Red pine). Ordination of tree species contributions to total basal area in 320 upland northern hardwood‐ conifer stands produced distinct stand group...
Mountford, J.O. Lakhani, K.H. Holland, R.J.
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Abstract. Tadham Moor in Somerset, England, is an exceptionally rich wetland site which has been mown for hay for many years, with stock grazing the aftermath, but with no history of any fertilizer use. A randomized blocks field experiment (1986–1989) was used to study the effects of five levels of nitrogen input treatments: 0 = control, 25, 50, 10...
Odasz, Ann Marie
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Abstract. Vegetated sites below bird‐nesting cliffs are uniquely nutrient‐rich habitats in the otherwise nutrient‐poor arctic environment. Plants from six distinct vegetation zones below such a cliff at 79° N, Svalbard, Norway, were collected for analysis under greenhouse conditions. Leaf nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was analysed in 42 species ...
Espigares, T. Peco, B.
Published in
Journal of Vegetation Science
Abstract. Meteorological patterns have a decisive influence on the inter‐annual dynamics of therophyte pastures under Mediterranean climatic conditions. The germination behaviour of annual pasture species was studied by subjecting two collections of seeds taken from plants and soil‐seed banks to two phytotron‐simulated weather patterns: early and l...