Pike, Courtney L. Kofler, Barbara Richner, Heinz Tebbich, Sabine
Published in
Journal of Ornithology
In the Galapagos Islands, many endemic landbird populations are declining due to habitat degradation, food availability, introduced species and other factors. Given nestlings typically lack efficient defense mechanisms against parasites, hematophagous ectoparasites such as the larvae of the introduced Avian Vampire Fly, Philornis downsi , can impos...
Jäckel, Denise Mortega, Kim G Darwin, Sarah Brockmeyer, Ulrich Sturm, Ulrike Lasseck, Mario Moczek, Nicola Lehmann, Gerlind U C Voigt-Heucke, Silke L
Published in
Journal of ornithology
Gesellschaftliches Engagement und Datenqualität: Bewährte Praktiken und Erfahrungen aus einem bürgerwissenschaftlichen Projekt zum Vogelgesang Citizen Science (CS) ist eine Forschungsmethode, die in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen hat und innovatives Potenzial für die Dialektforschung in der Ornithologie bietet. Da die Vorbehalte gegenüber...
Grogger, Herwig A Gossar, Martin Makovec, Michael Fritz, Johannes Neugebauer, Katharina Amann, Frederik Voelkl, Bernhard
Published in
Journal of ornithology
Ein kostengünstiger Windkanal für Vogelflugexperimente Ein kostengünstiger Windkanal für Vogelflugexperimente wurde entwickelt, gebaut und vermessen. Nachdem die zu untersuchenden Vögel relativ groß sind (Waldrappe, Geronticus eremita), misst der Auslassquerschnitt des Windkanals 2,5 m × 1,5 m. Die darstellbare Maximalgeschwindigkeit beträgt etwa 1...
Mancuso, Kristen A Hodges, Karen E Alexander, John D Grosselet, Manuel Bezener, A Michael Morales, Luis Martinez, Sarahy C Castellanos-Labarcena, Jessica Russello, Michael A Rockwell, Sarah M
Published in
Journal of ornithology
Zug- und Überwinterungsökologie beim Flötenstärling Icteria virens Für die meisten Singvogelpopulationen fehlen detaillierte Informationen über Zug und Überwinterung. Hier vergleichen wir die Zug- und Überwinterungslokalitäten von zwei Brutpopulationen des Flötenstärlings Icteria virens im südlichen British Columbia, Kanada beziehungsweise in Nordk...
Slagsvold, Tore Wiebe, Karen L.
Published in
Journal of Ornithology
Among species that use similar resources, an individual may benefit by observing and copying the behavioural decision of a heterospecific. We tested the hypothesis of heterospecific social learning in passerine birds, namely that a migrant species, the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, uses external markings on the nest cavities of a resident spe...
Pârâu, Liviu G Wink, Michael
Published in
Journal of ornithology
Gemeinsame Muster in der molekularen Phylogeographie der westpaläarktischen Vögel: Ein umfassender Überblick Eine Fülle von genetischen Untersuchungen konnte entscheidende Einblicke in den phylogeographischen Status der westpaläarktischen Vogelarten geliefert. Es fehlt jedoch immer noch eine Übersicht, die all diese Informationen integriert und die...
Jarrett, Crinan Powell, Luke L. Claire, Tabe T. Regine Tchoumbou, Melanie Helm, Barbara
Published in
Journal of Ornithology
Wood Warblers, an Afro-Palearctic migrant species, are declining steadily in Europe likely due to mortality outside their breeding grounds. However, little is known about their overwintering, and records about the sensitive life-cycle stage of moult in Africa are practically absent. To fill this gap, we report on moult of Wood Warblers captured ove...
Morgenthaler, Annick Millones, Ana Gandini, Patricia Frere, Esteban
Published in
Journal of Ornithology
The use of combined conventional and stable isotope analyses to study the diet of seabirds has become very frequent. Unfortunately species and tissue-specific Trophic Discrimination Factors (TDF), necessary to run stable isotope mixing models in the most performing way, are lacking for a wide number of seabird species. We assessed the process of in...
Dutour, Mylène Cordonnier, Marion Léna, Jean-Paul Lengagne, Thierry
Published in
Journal of Ornithology
When they detect a predator, many birds exhibit mobbing behaviour and produce mobbing calls that quickly draw other prey against the predator. This anti-predator strategy often involves several species and, therefore, implies heterospecific communication. As fledging and nestling stages could be particularly targeted by predators, a high mobbing in...
Blumstein, Daniel T.
Published in
Journal of Ornithology
Birds are the best-studied taxa with respect to our knowledge about predation risk assessment. In the past 4 years, global progress in this field has been made due to a remarkable number of synthetic reviews, meta-analyses, and comparative analyses that are based on databases containing tens of thousands of observations on how birds escape from pre...