Bowman, Shanna L Marks, Michael S
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
The mechanisms by which melanins are transferred from melanocytes and stored within keratinocytes to generate skin pigmentation are hotly debated. Correia et al. and Hurbain et al. provide evidence that melanin cores of melanosomes are secreted from melanocytes and taken up and stored within non-degradative membranous organelles in keratinocytes in...
Amagai, Masayuki
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Gaddis, Kevin Chu, Emily Y
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Neal, Donald E Derwae, Amanda L Etzkorn, Jeremy R
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Drucker, Aaron M Piguet, Vincent
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Cellulitis is commonly misdiagnosed, with resultant health care expenditures and complications from antibiotic overprescription. Ko et al. evaluate the use of thermal imaging to aid in the diagnosis of cellulitis, with promising results. Limitations include a small sample size and questionable applicability to bilateral leg findings, where cellulit...
Tsoi, Lam C Patrick, Matthew T Elder, James T
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Complex cutaneous disorders result from the combined effect of many different genes and environmental factors, with individual genetic variants often having only a modest effect on disease risk. The ability to examine large numbers of samples is required for correlating genetic variants with diseases/traits. Technological advances in high-throughpu...
Islam, Nasif Garza, Luis A
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Adipose tissue plays essential roles in various aspects of skin physiology, from regulating hair follicle morphogenesis to wound healing. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma is important for the maintenance of adipose tissue and has been implicated in some types of hair loss; however, its function during the hair cycle is still unclear...
Pedergnana, Vincent Martel-Jantin, Claire Nicol, Jérôme Leblond, Valérie Tortevoye, Patricia Coursaget, Pierre Touzé, Antoine Laurent Abel Gessain, Antoine
Published in
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
To get new insights into the distribution and modes of acquisition of trichodysplasia spinulosa polyomavirus (TSPyV) infection, we performed a seroepidemiological study in two populations from Cameroon. Our results suggest that TSPyV infection occurs, through close contacts, during early childhood with intra-familial transmission, especially from m...
Chen, Hung-Lin Chiang, Po-Cheng Lo, Chia-Hui Lo, Yuan-Hsin Hsu, Daniel K Chen, Huan-Yuan Liu, Fu-Tong
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology
Galectin-7, a member of the β-galactoside-binding protein family, is primarily expressed in stratified epithelial cells, including keratinocytes. There is information in the literature suggesting a role for this protein in regulation of keratinocyte survival and growth, but the underlying mechanism remains relatively unknown. Moreover, its expressi...
Mitra, Anupam Luna, Jesus I Marusina, Alina I Merleev, Alexander Kundu-Raychaudhuri, Smriti Fiorentino, David Raychaudhuri, Siba P Maverakis, Emanual
Published in
The Journal of investigative dermatology