Ashok C Pandey HI
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
Gastric lipomas are relatively rare tumours. They account for 5% of all GIT lipomas and 3% of all benign tumours of stomach. They are difficult to diagnose since the lipoma is located submucosally and may not be clearly seen on gastroscopy. A fullness of the gastric wall combined with clinical features of gastric outlet obstruction, anaemia due to ...
Mello MAJ Mazza CA Gabriel EA
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
The need for cardiac surgery during pregnancy is rare. Only 1% to 4% of pregnancies are complicated by maternal heart disease and most of them can be treated with medical therapy and lifestyle changes. Occasionally, whether due to the natural progression of underlying heart disease or precipitated by cardiovascular changes in pregnancy, cardiac sur...
Tarras SL Somerset AE White MT Edelman DA
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
The Surgical Council on Resident Education (SCORE) program was designed to create a national surgical curriculum for residents. This curriculum includes a list of topics to be covered in a five-year general surgery residency training program. A resident in-service exam (ABSITE) is administered annually to assess knowledge of applied science and man...
Robert L Cucin
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
It seems likely that the increased prevalence of obesity in older adults in Italy compared to China may account for the differences in mortality between the two countries. Furthermore, the rising prevalence of obesity in the US and
prior experience of the impact of obesity on mortality from H1 N1 Influenza should increase the sensitivity of clinic...
Sharkawy M Farghaly A Fouad AG
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
Background: Femoral pseudo aneurysms may complicate up to 8% of vascular interventional procedures. Small pseudo aneurysms can spontaneously clot, but sometimes treatment is needed. Surgery has traditionally been considered the 'gold standard' treatment, although it is not without risk. Less invasive treatment options such as Duplex ultrasound-guid...
Sharma S Majumder K Din T Patel V Shah M
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
Edentulous posterior maxilla is the most challenging area for the implant placement. Because of increase pneumatization of sinus in this area available bone height is inadequate for primary stability of implants. Sinus lift procedure followed by floor augmentation is the only option to increase the availability of bone in this area. Sinus lift proc...
Mert Tanal Bulent Citgez
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
Approximately 10 to 15 percent of breast cancers can be attributed to a hereditary genetic mutation. In fact, since guidelines and tests are not well known today, only one out of five breast cancer patients who follow current guidelines
are referred for genetic testing. Likewise, while most of the guides tends to give importance to details, it mak...
Sadq G Kadem Sabah A Mohamd Muntadher M Jawad
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy is a natural orifice thyroid surgery, minimally invasive and completely scar free. However, the working space of this procedure is relatively small and is also difficult to create compared with that of other remote-access thyroidectomy procedures. Hence, we described a new modification using endotracheal tube cuff...
Prasanna G Thirunavukkarasu VS Gokul DY
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
Acute pancreatitis is a common and recurrent disorder, where inflammation of the pancreas with inconstant connection of other surrounding tissues or other organ systems. This condition is characterized by long-term pain in the abdomen area, frequent exacerbations of the disease, and insufficiency of the exocrine and/or endocrine. Among the individu...
Giovanni Montealegre-Gómez Alejandra Garcia-Botero Jorge Ernesto Cantini Carlos EduardoTorres Susana Correa Edgar Alfonso Peñaranda Viviana Gómez-Ortega
Published in
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques
This work presents the theoretical basis for the use of Colchicine in the prevention of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) associated with COVID-19 infection. Several reports show that the common final event that increases mortality from COVID-19 infection is ARDS, which occurs due to an unmodulated inflammatory response, which leads to res...