Wangkulangkul, Kringpaka Meksuwan, Phuripong Stankovic, Milica
Published in
We investigated the influences of oceanographic variables on recruitment patterns of the acorn barnacle Chthamalus malayensis and the rock oyster Saccostrea cuccullata , key space occupiers on tropical intertidal rocky shores. Recruitment data and nearshore environmental variables were obtained at spatial (regional and local) and temporal (monthly)...
Costa, Mariana R. A. Cardoso, Maria M. L. Selmeczy, Géza B. Padisák, Judit Becker, Vanessa
Published in
Climate change is affecting the global hydrological cycle, causing drastic changes in precipitation patterns. Extreme climatic events are becoming more frequent and intense than in the past, leading to water-level fluctuations and affecting aquatic ecosystems. Semiarid regions are very susceptible to changing climate. We analyzed a 10 years dataset...
Pschenyckyj, Catharine Donahue, Thomas Kelly-Quinn, Mary O’Driscoll, Connie Renou-Wilson, Florence
Published in
Currently, 50% of Irish rivers do not meet water quality standards, with many declining due to numerous pressures, including peatland degradation. This study examines stream water quality in the Irish midlands, a region where raised bogs have been all historically disturbed to various extent and the majority drained for industrial or domestic peat ...
Brownscombe, Jacob W. Midwood, Jonathan D. Doka, Susan E. Cooke, Steven J.
Published in
Fish habitat associations are important measures for effective aquatic habitat management, but often vary over broad spatial and temporal scales, and are therefore challenging to measure comprehensively. We used a 9-year acoustic telemetry dataset to generate spatial–temporal habitat suitability models for seven fish species in an urban freshwater ...
Rodrigues-Filho, Jorge L Macêdo, Rafael L Sarmento, Hugo Pimenta, Victor R A Alonso, Cecilia Teixeira, Clarissa R Pagliosa, Paulo R Netto, Sérgio A Santos, Natália C L Daura-Jorge, Fábio G
Published in
In this review we highlight the relevance of biodiversity that inhabit coastal lagoons, emphasizing how species functions foster processes and services associated with this ecosystem. We identified 26 ecosystem services underpinned by ecological functions performed by bacteria and other microbial organisms, zooplankton, polychaetae worms, mollusks,...
Martinski, Meghan E Woolnough, Daelyn A
Published in
Native freshwater mussels (unionids) are indicators of water quality, with unique behaviors and movement patterns. Many of these species are endangered, yet basic movement and co-occurring community data are lacking for successful unionid conservation. In this study, movement, community, and habitat use among Ligumia recta, an endangered unionid in...
Lukić, Dunja Pormehr, Navid Beladjal, Lynda Vad, Csaba F Ptacnik, Robert Van Stappen, Gilbert Agh, Naser Horváth, Zsόfia
Published in
Very little is known about the feeding of naupliar and juvenile life stages of omnivorous fairy shrimps (Crustacea: Anostraca). Here, we aim to reveal whether the fairy shrimp Branchinecta orientalis is an ontogenetic omnivore and at which age and ontogenetic stage they gain the ability to feed on zooplankton. We assess how food uptake rates change...
Pauers, Michael J Hoffmann, Jacob Ackley, Leah Jiang-Bo
Published in
Current evidence suggests that hybridization played a crucial role in the early evolution and diversification of the species flocks of cichlid fishes in the African Great Lakes. Nonetheless, evidence for hybridization in the extant cichlid fauna is scant, suggesting that hybridization is rare in the modern era, perhaps enforced by natural or sexual...
Naselli-Flores, Luigi Padisák, Judit
Published in
Phytoplankton, the ecological group of microalgae adapted to live in apparent suspension in water masses, is much more than an ecosystem's engineer. In this opinion paper, we use our experience as phytoplankton ecologists to list and highlight the services provided by phytoplankton, trying to demonstrate how their activity is fundamental to regulat...
Burlakova, Lyubov E Karatayev, Alexander Y Boltovskoy, Demetrio Correa, Nancy M
Published in
The ecosystem services approach to conservation is becoming central to environmental policy decision making. While many negative biological invasion-driven impacts on ecosystem structure and functioning have been identified, much less was done to evaluate their ecosystem services. In this paper, we focus on the often-overlooked ecosystem services p...