Cowper, Gavin Goodall, Stuart Hicks, Kirsty M Burnie, Louise Fox, Kai T Keenan, Ashleigh De Martino, Enrico Briggs, Marc A
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
Soccer substitutes are exposed to periods of limited activity before entering match-play, likely negating benefits of active warm-ups. This study aimed to determine the effects of using a passive heat intervention following a pre-match, and half-time warm-up, on muscle and core temperature in soccer players during ambient (18 °C) and cold (2 °C) co...
Rowland, Samantha N James, Lewis J O'Donnell, Emma Bailey, Stephen J
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
Dietary nitrate (NO3-) supplementation can lower systolic blood pressure (SBP) and improve exercise performance. Salivary flow rate (SFR) and pH are key determinants of oral NO3- reduction and purported to peak in the afternoon. We tested the hypotheses that NO3--rich beetroot juice (BR) would increase plasma [nitrite] ([NO2-]), lower SBP and impro...
Klich, Sebastian Michalik, Kamil Pietraszewski, Bogdan Hansen, Ernst A Madeleine, Pascal Kawczyński, Adam
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
This study aimed to investigate physiological responses, muscle-tendon unit properties of the quadriceps muscle, and mechanical performance after repeated sprint cycling at optimal and 70% of optimal cadence. Twenty recreational cyclists performed as first sprint performance cycling test and during subsequent sessions two repeated sprint cycling pr...
Größer, Vincent Weyh, Christopher Böttrich, Tim Frech, Torsten Nolte, Svenja Sommer, Natascha Huber, Magdalena Eder, Klaus Dörr, Oliver Hoelscher, Sophie
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
Physical exercise is crucial for healthy aging and plays a decisive role in the prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). A higher level of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in the elderly is associated with lower cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. This study investigated the association of CRF level with vascular function an...
Fennell, Christopher R J Mauger, Alexis R Hopker, James G
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
To investigate the inter-day reliability of time-domain, frequency-domain, and nonlinear HRV metrics in healthy highly active younger and older adults. The study also assessed the effect of age on the HRV metrics. Forty-four older adults (34 M, 10F; 59 ± 5 years; V ˙ O 2peak = 40.9 ± 7.6 ml kg-1 min-1) and twenty-two younger adults (16 M, 6F; 22 ± ...
Ketelhut, Sascha Oechslin, Livia Zehnder, Cäcilia Kubica, Claudia Nigg, Claudio R
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
Self-myofascial release (SMR) is a form of self-massage aiming to release tension, improve blood flow, and alleviate muscle soreness. This study aimed to determine whether a single session of SMR could impact cardiovascular parameters at rest and during a cold pressor test (CPT). Twenty male participants (aged 26 ± 2 years) underwent a 20-min SMR a...
Marôco, João Luís Arrais, Inês Silvestre, Tiago Pinto, Marco Laranjo, Sérgio Magalhães, João Santa-Clara, Helena Fernhall, Bo Melo, Xavier
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
We examined heart rate variability (HRV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) disease- and age-related response at 10-and 60-min after an acute high-intensity interval (HIIE) and moderate continuous exercise (MICE) in older adults with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and healthy young adults. Twelve older male adults with (57-84 years) and ...
Gomez-Guerrero, Gonzalo Ansdell, Paul Howatson, Glyn Avela, Janne Walker, Simon
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
Reduced spinal excitability during the transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) silent period (SP) has recently been shown to last longer than previously thought in the upper limbs, as assessed via spinal electrical stimulation. Further, there is reason to expect that contraction intensity affects the duration of the reduced spinal excitability. Thi...
Sjúrðarson, Tórur Kyhl, Kasper Nordsborg, Nikolai B Kollslíð, Rudi Andersen, Lars Juel Krustrup, Peter Mohr, Magni
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
To investigate the impact of soccer training on cardiac adaptations in mildly hypertensive middle-aged women. Hypertensive premenopausal women (n = 41; age (mean ± SD): 44 ± 7 years; height: 166 ± 6 cm; weight: 78.6 ± 11.6 kg; body fat: 43.3 ± 5.2%) were randomized to soccer training (SOC, n = 21) or control (CON, n = 20). SOC performed three weekl...
Artés, Arnau Ferrer-Ramos, Pau Javierre, Casimiro Viscor, Ginés García, Iker
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) applies gradual pressure to facilitate lymph and blood flow movement to reduce exercise-induced tissue fluid accumulation and plasma volume loss. This study aimed to evaluate the cardiovascular system response during the recovery with IPC compared with passive recovery (Sham). Sixteen volunteers (7 females a...