Wüthrich, Davide Shi, Rui Chanson, Hubert
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Abstract Hydraulic jumps are commonly employed as energy dissipators to guarantee long-term operation of hydraulic structures. A comprehensive and in-depth understanding of their main features is therefore fundamental. In this context, the current study focused on hydraulic jumps with low Froude numbers, i.e. Fr1 = 2.1 and 2.4, at relatively high R...
Pang, Khang Ee Ó Náraigh, Lennon
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Abstract We introduce a mathematical model with a mesh-free numerical method to describe contact-line motion in lubrication theory. We show how the model resolves the singularity at the contact line, and generates smooth profiles for an evolving, spreading droplet. The model describes well the physics of droplet spreading–including Tanner’s Law for...
Robb, Daniel M. Pieters, Roger Lawrence, Gregory A.
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Turbidity from glacial meltwater limits light penetration with potential ecological consequences. Using profiles of temperature, conductivity, and turbidity, we examine the physical processes driving changes in the epilimnetic turbidity of Carpenter Reservoir, a long and narrow, glacier-fed reservoir in southwest British Columbia, Canada. Following...
Mills, Peter
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
A detailed development of the principal component proxy method of dynamical tracer reconstruction is presented, including error analysis. The method works by correlating the largest principal components of a matrix representation of the transport dynamics with a set of sparse measurements. The Lyapunov spectrum was measured and used to quantify the...
van Steenbergen, Petra
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Ben Ramoul, L. Korichi, A. Popa, C. Zaidi, H. Polidori, G.
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
The flow characteristics and pollutant dispersion around building are investigated numerically using three RANS turbulence closure models, i.e. Standard k–ɛ model, Realizable k–ɛ and RNG k–ɛ model. Two physical configurations are considered in this study: a single isolated obstacle and two obstacles forming an idealized street canyon. Numerical sim...
Mignot, Emmanuel Cai, Wei Riviere, Nicolas
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
The flow pattern within a storage zone governs the efficiency of passive scalar accumulation, spreading and homogenization. The present paper aims at characterizing experimentally the evolution of this flow pattern in a simplified open-channel lateral cavity with twenty increasing horizontal aspect ratio, focusing on the transition between the diff...
Gualtieri, Carlo
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Singh, P. Rahimi, H. R. Tang, X.
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
This paper presents a descriptive analysis of the double layer vegetation flow and the application of different empirical models for velocity distribution in vegetation flow. To establish the models, extensive experiments are carried out using plastic dowels of differential heights, configurations and densities. The previous models based on empiric...
de Morais, C. L. Ferreira, M. C. S. Santos, J. M. Furieri, B. Harion, J.-L.
Published in
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Aeolian erosion of granular materials is investigated by means of a mathematical emission model and experimental wind tunnel measurements. Main model input data are: friction velocity, relationship between cover rate (CR) and eroded height (H) and particle properties (density, size distribution). It is proposed: (1) to evaluate the linearity of the...