Registered Reports: A new chapter at Ecology & Evolution
...Published in Ecology and Evolution
Ecology & Evolution has published its first Registered Report and offers the perspective of the editor, author, and student on the publication process.
Published in Ecology and Evolution
Ecology & Evolution has published its first Registered Report and offers the perspective of the editor, author, and student on the publication process.
Published in Ecology and Evolution
Published in Ecology and Evolution
In this response, we address comments and clarify the rationale behind the choice of hypotheses aimed to describe the Quercus humboldtii phylogeography in the Colombian Andes. Finally, we explain our disagreement with the conclusions of a previous critique, since these are not necessarily adequate under the implemented population genetics approach....
Published in Ecology and Evolution
Published in Ecology and Evolution
The present “comment” on Zorilla‐Azcué et al.’s paper “The DNA history of a lonely oak: Quercus humboldtii phylogeography in the Colombian Andes. Ecology and Evolution 2021, doi:10.100‐2/ece3.7529” provides the paleoecological understanding of oak forest since Quercus became apparent in the Northern Andes three glacial–interglacial cycles ago. The ...
Published in Ecology and Evolution
Xu et al. (2021) recently recommended a new parameterization of BWA‐mem as a superior alternative to the widely‐used BWA‐aln algorithm to map ancient DNA sequencing data. Here, we compare the BWA‐mem parameterization recommended by Xu et al. with the best‐performing alignment methods determined in the recent benchmarks of Oliva and colleagues (2021...
Published in Ecology and evolution
A recent article in Ecology and Evolution featured the discovery of hybrid snowcocks (Tetraogallus) and speculated on the hybrid origin of an extant species (T. altaicus). Comprehensive re-analyses of original data from the latter paper reliably refute the phylogenetic hypothesis taken as firm evidence of a past hybridization event in these birds. ...
Published in Ecology and evolution
We present comments on an article published by Confer et al. (Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2020). Confer et al. (2020) aggregate data from multiple studies of social pairing between Vermivora chrysoptera and V. cyanoptera, two wood warblers in the family Parulidae that hybridize extensively where they co-occur. From analysis of these data, they concl...
Published in Ecology and evolution
Published in Ecology and Evolution