Perlmutter, Michael He, Jieqian Iwen, Mark Hirn, Matthew
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
The scattering transform is a wavelet-based model of Convolutional Neural Networks originally introduced by S. Mallat. Mallat's analysis shows that this network has desirable stability and invariance guarantees and therefore helps explain the observation that the filters learned by early layers of a Convolutional Neural Network typically resemble w...
Sokolova, Alice Sengupta, Dhiman Chen, Kuan-Lin Gupta, Rajesh Aksanli, Baris Harris, Fredric Garudadri, Harinath
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
The frequency-dependent nature of hearing loss poses many challenges for hearing aid design. In order to compensate for a hearing aid user’s unique hearing loss pattern, an input signal often needs to be separated into frequency bands, or channels, through a process called sub-band decomposition. In this paper, we present a real-time filter bank fo...
Lee, Ching-Hua Rao, Bhaskar D Garudadri, Harinath
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
In this paper, a novel way of deriving proportionate adaptive filters is proposed based on diversity measure minimization using the iterative reweighting techniques well-known in the sparse signal recovery (SSR) area. The resulting least mean square (LMS)-type and normalized LMS (NLMS)-type sparse adaptive filtering algorithms can incorporate vario...
Feng, Guanchao Quirk, J. Gerald Djurić, Petar M.
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
Convergent cross mapping (CCM) is a state space reconstruction (SSR)-based method designed for causal discovery in coupled time series, where Granger causality may not be applicable due to a separability assumption. However, CCM requires a large number of observations and is not robust to observation noise which limits its applicability. Moreover, ...
Chen, Kuan-Lin Lee, Ching-Hua Rao, Bhaskar D. Garudadri, Harinath
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
We show that a new design criterion, i.e., the least squares on subband errors regularized by a weighted norm, can be used to generalize the proportionate-type normalized subband adaptive filtering (PtNSAF) framework. The new criterion directly penalizes subband errors and includes a sparsity penalty term which is minimized using the damped regular...
Chakravarty, Sourish Threlkeld, Zachary D Bodien, Yelena G Edlow, Brian L Brown, Emery N
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
Dynamic functional connectivity (DFC) analysis involves measuring correlated neural activity over time across multiple brain regions. Significant regional correlations among neural signals, such as those obtained from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), may represent neural circuits associated with rest. The conventional app...
Ward, Scott Cohen, Edward A K Adams, Niall
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
With advances in experimental technologies, the use of biological imaging has grown rapidly and there is need for procedures to combine data arising from different modalities. We propose a procedure to combine yellow fluorescence protein excitation and differential interference contrast microscopy time lapse videos to better estimate the cellular b...
Mehta, Ketan Kliewer, Jörg Ihlefeld, Antje
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
Studies increasingly show that behavioral relevance alters the population representation of sensory stimuli in the sensory cortices. However, the mechanisms underlying this behavior are incompletely understood. Here, we record neuronal responses in the auditory cortex while a highly trained, awake, normal-hearing gerbil listens passively to target ...
Pisha, Louis Hamilton, Sean Sengupta, Dhiman Lee, Ching-Hua Vastare, Krishna Chaithanya Zubatiy, Tamara Luna, Sergio Yalcin, Cagri Grant, Alex Gupta, Rajesh
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
We have previously reported a realtime, open-source speech-processing platform (OSP) for hearing aids (HAs) research. In this contribution, we describe a wearable version of this platform to facilitate audiological studies in the lab and in the field. The system is based on smartphone chipsets to leverage power efficiency in terms of FLOPS/watt and...
Lankow, Benjamin S Goldman, Mark S
Published in
Conference record. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers
In simplified models of neocortical circuits, inhibition is either modeled in a feedforward manner or through mutual inhibitory interactions that provide for competition between neuronal populations. By contrast, recent work has suggested a critical role for recurrent inhibition as a negative feedback element that stabilizes otherwise unstable recu...