To'mah, Vivianne du Toit, Sanetta Henrietta Johanna
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
Older adults living with dementia in residential aged care homes receive physical care but may have limited access to meaningful engagement. Due to its multimodal and versatile nature, virtual reality (VR) is speculated to be an effective means of meaningfully engaging residents individually and/or in groups. However, there is little evidence regar...
Kwok, WingKwan Michelle Bourke-Taylor, Helen Carey, Stuart McKenzie, Maria
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
Standardised testing is crucial for autistic children to receive appropriate interventions, necessary services, and funding. Behaviours associated with autism can hinder children's test performance and participation. The 18-item, two-page Occupational Therapy Observation Tool-Adjustment Support Details (OTOT-ASD) is used in conjunction with standar...
Tse, Tamara Skorik, Stefani Fraser, Ruby Munro, Adrienne Darzins, Susan
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
Measures of participation restrictions in daily life occupations are not typically used and may aid discharge planning and demonstrate the impact of occupational therapy services in inpatient settings. The overall aim of this mixed-methods study was to test the feasibility of relevant outcome measures by (1) investigating which of the three identif...
Nicola-Richmond, Kelli Ward, Natalie Logan, Sally Lyons, Nikki Ajjawi, Rola
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
Occupational therapy students need to be ready to work autonomously in a range of environments as soon as they complete their degree. Practice education experiences are considered key to students developing the competencies that autonomous work requires. To function autonomously in practice environments, it is argued that practitioners need to be a...
Aclan, Roslyn George, Stacey Laver, Kate
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
The creation of age-friendly home environments enables middle-aged and older aged people to live independently at home while adapting to age-related changes. Little is currently known about existing home hazards that may potentially hinder healthy older people as they age. Prospective cohort study of healthy adults who received an age-friendly home...
Stewart, Kylie Hancock, Nicola Chapparo, Christine Stancliffe, Emeritus Roger J
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
People with schizophrenia are more likely to be hospitalised than any other psychiatric diagnosis. Occupational therapists working in mental health are often required to assess and recommend supports that will assist people with schizophrenia to live successfully in the community. There is little research exploring consumer perspectives regarding t...
Odgers, Sorcha Thomas, Yvonne Tokolahi, Ema
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
This review aimed to retrieve and collate a list of culturally relevant mothering occupations in the New Zealand context with mothers positioned as experts of their experience. Mothering occupations influence wellbeing and this study aimed to better inform on the daily occupations mothers participate in that contribute to feelings of maternal confi...
Kernot, Jocelyn Goh, Jiin Aguilar, Alejandra Muller, Jess Dawson, Suzanne
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
Unemployment rates for people living with mental illness remain persistently high. Individual Placement Support (IPS) is an evidence-based employment model that supports people with severe mental illness to gain employment. Although carers provide emotional and instrumental support for people with mental illness, there is limited research exploring...
Mackenzie, Lynette Lexén, Annika Kaelin, Vera C Hynes, Patrick Roosen, Ina Tam, Elaine Huang, Lin-Jye Ye, Ching-Wei
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
The cornerstone of a strong profession is the research that supports its knowledge base and practice. However, little is known about the range of international occupational therapy research. To explore the range and diversity of the international occupational therapy research from published peer reviewed literature in English during the year 2018. ...
Baker, Hanna Cuomo, Belinda Femia, Ciarn Lin, Daniel Stobbie, Claire McLean, Belinda Hatfield, Megan
Published in
Australian occupational therapy journal
Transitioning into the role of a mother encompasses many physical and psychosocial changes, affecting the way a woman may function. Maternal health is an emerging area of practice for occupational therapists, and therefore, screening and assessment tools to support work in this area are needed. The Barkin Index of Maternal Functioning (BIMF) is a q...