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Comparative Bandwidth Analysis of Low-Power Wireless IoT-Switches
The article presents the research and comparative analysis of the bandwidth of low-power wireless IoT devices as wireless switches. The following IoT devices were investigated: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi Zero W. The DS18B20 and INA219 sensors investigated and analyzed the dependence of FTP multimedia data transmission speed on wireless...
Implementation of an Index Optimize Technology for Highly Specialized Terms based on the Phonetic Algorithm Metaphone
Published in Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
When compiling databases, for example to meet the needs of healthcare establishments, there is quite a common problem with the introduction and further processing of names and last names of doctors and patients that are highly specialized both in terms of pronunciation and writing. This is because names and last names of people cannot be unique, th...
Results and Tools for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Focusing Systems to Improve Accessibility in Wireless Networks
The widespread use of wireless technologies leads to an ever-increasing number of users and permanently functioning devices. However, the growth of the number of wireless users in a limited space and a limited frequency range leads to an increase in their mutual influence, which ultimately affects the throughput of wireless channels and even the pe...
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Increase the Speed of Spectrum Analyzers based on Atmel Atmega328 and ARM Cortex-M3 RISC Processors
The paper analyzes the physical fundamentals of spectrum analysis and security threats due to the inability to provide sufficient level of data integrity and availability in wireless networks. The device for the construction of spectrum analyzers was searched. The analysis of hardware and circuitry of systems is made. Based on these data, solutions...