Dr.Vijayakumar Sekar currently works Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Marine College, Shandong University,Weihai,P.R.China. Dr.Vijayakumar does research in Nanopharmacology and Nanotoxicology, Nanobiotechnology, Microbiology, Biofilms, Biopolymers,Nanotechnology in Aquaculture,Ecotoxicity, Limnology, Immunology and Zoology. He has published more than 50+ research findings in top most peer reviewed index journals with a total impact factor of above 150. and he acted as a reviewer of the various international Elsevier, RSC and Springer journals. Further one of the editorial member of frontier Environmental microbiology journal. He has participated and presented research findings in various national and international conferences. Recently, he had participated and presented a paper “Effect of β-GBP-ZnO Nps on immune response of Tilapia” in “10th Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture (DAA10), organized by the Fish Health Section of the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS-FHS) to be held on August 28th – September 01 2017- Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. and “Biosynthesis of Ag/ZnO nanocomposite using chitosan from shell waste of mudcrab, Scylla serrata and its antibiofilm screening” in the 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, held at Bangkok, Thailand on 3rd to 7th August 2016.
Research Interest: Nanobiotechnology, Nanopharmacology and Nanotoxicology, Nanobiomedicine, Biofilms, MicrobiologyBionanoscience, Bionanomaterial, Biopolymers, drug delivery, Polymeric biomaterials, Ecotoxicology, Aquatic toxicology.
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