Ryan Peek

Ryan Peek

Research Staff, Graduate Student

Davis, CA, United States


Ryan Peek joined the Center for Watershed Sciences full time in February 2011. He is currently a PhD candidate in Ecology. His current research focuses on the spatial and temporal effects of anthropogenic and environmental change on river ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada. In particular, he is interested in ecological responses to watershed alteration, and how conservation genetics may be used as a tool to understand historical, current and future adaptation. He has worked extensively with sensitive amphibians, including a mountain / sierra yellow-legged frogs (Rana muscosa / sierra) restoration project with the National Park Service, as well as assessment of connectivity and genetic fragmentation of foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii) in managed rivers in California.  He currently is conducting research that applies modern genetics and river ecosystem processes to assess biodiversity and watershed resilience in managed systems in the Sierra Nevada, with a focus on integrating and maintaining riverine habitat diversity under current and future climate conditions.  His research experience includes extensive analyses of freshwater ecosystems throughout CA and OR, with special focus on hydropower regulation and environmental management of rivers and streams in the Sierra Nevada. He was the field lead and one of the main authors for the Spring Recession Project and has contributed to PISCES, Mountain Meadows, CEC Yuba, and Freshwater Conservation projects. He is also a Software and Data Carpentry Instructor and core member of the Davis R-Users Group.

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Amphibian Ecology Freshwater Systems River Regulation Conservation Genetics

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