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rene von schomberg

rene von schomberg

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Dr. Dr.phil. René von Schomberg is a philosopher and STS specialist. He graduated at the Agricultural University of Wageningen. He is a guest professor at the Technical University Darmstadt (Germany). He holds Ph.D.’s from the University of Twente, the Netherlands (Science and Technology Studies) and the Goethe University in Frankfurt (Philosophy). He has been a European Union Fellow at George Mason University, USA in 2007 and has been with the European Commission since 1998.  He is author/co-editor of 15 books. He is the first editor of and contributor to the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation a Global Resource (2019) which constitutes the most authoritative and comprehensive account of Responsible Innovation up to date. He has worked  extensively on the issues of  deliberative democracy, technology assessment, scientific advice for policy, ethical and socio-economic aspects of emerging technologies, the precautionary principle, open science and responsible innovation.


He is running a blog: Many publications can be freely downloaded here.


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Visiting Professor August 2007 - January 2008

George Mason University (Arlington US)

Visiting Professor: Social and ethical aspects of Science and Technology

Team leader Science Policy Since January 1998

European commission (Brussels BE)

Philosopher and Science and Technology Studies. Published widely on Sustainability issues, Science and Technology Policy, Ethics and (Global) Governance of Science and Technology, Innovation Policy and environmental law. Taught at various Universities across the world.

A. Professor September 1992 - June 1998

Tilburg university (Tilburg NL)

Applied Ethics and Environmental Policy

A. Professor March 1987 - March 1992

Twente University (Enschede NL)

Science and Technology Studies. Argumentation theory


Ph.d October 1985 - February 1994

Johan Wolfgang Goethe University (Frankfurt DE)

Thesis: Der Rationale Umgang mit Unsicherheit (published Peter Lang verlag, 1995)

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