Nick joined the Center for Watershed Sciences in January 2011. He writes GIS-based software and databases for assessing landscape-scale geospatial information. He is the primary developer of PISCES and has contributed to the Mountain Meadows, Cosumnes Research Group, and Spring Snowmelt Recession projects. He also helps out with the IT staff to keep the Center running smoothly. Nick Santos is also the founder and Executive Director of Environmental Consumer, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that develops actionable information and resources for consumers looking to take the next step to reduce their impact. Prior to joining the Center for Watershed Sciences, he worked with the Regional Climate Change Program at the Sierra Nevada Alliance, with the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP), as a Policy Fellow at climate campaign 1Sky (now merged with, and as a private IT consultant. His personal website is
Nick Santos
Research Staff, Technical Staff
Davis, CA, United States
Published articles Show More
Missing the Boat on Freshwater Fish Conservation in California
...Published in Conservation Letters
Population growth and increasing water-use pressures threaten Californias freshwater ecosystems and have led many native fishes to the brink of extinction. To guide fish conservation efforts, we provide the first systematic prioritization of river catchments and identify those that disproportionately contribute to fish taxonomic diversity. Using hi...