A passion for exploration
Nathalie Cabrol
Senior Research Scientist and Director of the Carl Sagan Center
Published articles Show More
Behavioral responses of freshwater calanoid copepods to the presence of ultraviolet radiation: avoidance and attraction
Published in Journal of Plankton Research
Binary choice experiments under natural solar radiation were used to test short- term behavioral responses of freshwater calanoid copepods to ultraviolet radiation (UV). Responses of the nine species from 15 populations spanning North and South America included both UV attraction and UV avoidance, and varied among habitats, species and populations....
Autonomous soil analysis by the Mars Micro‐beam Raman Spectrometer (MMRS) on‐board a rover in the Atacama Desert: a terr...
Published in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) has been proposed for in situ characterization of molecular species in planetary surface exploration, and three laser Raman spectrometers are included in the science payloads of two under-development missions to Mars (ESA- ExoMars2018 and NASA-Mars2020). We report the first rover test of a laser Raman spectrometer dev...
Planetary LakeLander—A Robotic Sentinel to Monitor Remote Lakes
Published in Journal of Field Robotics
This field report describes the design and operations of the Planetary LakeLander (PLL) probe and its ground data systems. LakeLander s primary mission is to characterize the physical, chemical, and biological processes occurring in a high-altitude lake, and how they are being impacted by rapid deglaciation. LakeLander s secondary purpose is to tes...
Conferences Show More
A Serpentinization Origin for Jezero Crater Carbonates
Evolution of Lacustrine Environments on Mars and Their Significance: The Case for the Brazos Lakes and East Terra Meridi...
Ancient Martian lacustrine environments must be considered as primary targets to explore on Mars. Terrestrial studies show that lakes are exceptional sites to keep the record of the evolution of climate, geology, water and life. Finding this record is also the principal objective of the Mars Surveyor Program. This record encompasses changes at loca...
Posters Show More
The Licancabur Project: Exploring the Limits of Life in the Highest Lake on Earth as an Analog to Martian Paleolakes
Our poster presents the Licancabur project overall objectives and summarizes the results of the first expedition to the highest lake on Earth that took place in 2002. It also describes the direction and developments of this project in the coming years as a unique terrestrial analog to Mars.
Misc. Show More
Lakes on Early Mars: A Space-for-Time Substitution Experiment
Lakes were abundant and active on early Mars for 100s millions of years. As global climate change prevented liquid water from remaining stable at the surface, they left behind key evidence of their past existence and duration in the landscape morphology, mineralogy, composition, and topography. As significant markers of environmental change, they h...
Lakes on Mars
On Earth, lakes provide favorable environments for the development of life and its preservation as fossils. They are extremely sensitive to climate fluctuations and to conditions within their watersheds. As such, lakes are unique markers of the impact of environmental changes. Past and current missions have now demonstrated that water once flowed a...
Chapter 10: Other Analogs to Mars: High altitude, subsurface, desert, and polar environments. In: Life in Antarctic Dese...
Principal Investigator Since September 1998
SETI Institute
National Research Council Fellow June 1996 - June 1998
MESR (France) Postdoc. Fellow November 1994 - May 1996
Act. Hydro. Postdoc. Fellow, France March 1992 - August 1994
Observatoire de Paris
Ph.D., Planetary Geology/Earth Sciences
NASA Group Achievement Award – Planetary Lake Lander Project Team 2014
NASA Group Achievement Award – Mars Exploration Rover Science and Operations Team. 2014
For ten years of sustained exploration and scientific discovery on the surface of Mars with the Mars Exploration Rovers