Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab is a senior lecturer and former Head of Intelligent System Lab at the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). He has actively involved in many academic activities such as being invited speaker at ICRITO 2015 (India), IPIARTI 2015 (UTP), IPIARTI2014 (UNIMAP) and IPIARTI 2012 (UiTM). He hold several research grants, won several medals in research and innovation showcases and awarded several publication award and teaching awards. He has authored and co-authored 2 books in database system (2013) and this book received consolation prize by Society of Science and Mathematics Malaysia (PESAMA) in 2014 and WAP application (2009), published several both local and international book chapters (11), technical papers in conferences and peer-reviewed journals (>100) papers. He also involve in publishing articles in periodicals such as newspaper (Utusan Malaysia) and national magazine (Dewan Kosmik). He also served as guest editor for Special Issue in Wireless and Mobile Networks in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (2011) and as Deputy Editor in Chief for Int. Journal of Software Engineering and Computing since 2009 and scholarly contributed as committee for conferences, editorial team and manuscript reviewers and also invited to be session chair in conferences. Latest, he also invited to be Advisory Committee for ICACM 2016 at Pune, India, and Track Chair for IEOM 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. His research interests are in data mining, artificial intelligence and computer vision, mobile and wireless computing, web-based applications. He is currently an active member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IAEng, IACSIT and PECAMP (Society of Info. Retrieval and Knowledge Management Malaysia) and as Associate Member for Embedded Computing Research Group (UTHM), BigData Center (UTM), MySigBigData (UM), E-Community Research Center (UKM)
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab
Published articles Show More
A distributed big data model for education sector
Published in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Many higher institutions are faced with the problem of managing the ever-increasing volume of data that involves Information Architecture. Most institutions have established long-standing data warehouses and have even deployed several analytics tools, but with the increase in the competition for gifted students increases, while education costs keep...
Elderly Care Monitoring System with IoT Application
Published in Next Frontier in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation
Falls among elderly can pose serious consequences such as injury or even fatal ones. Therefore, it is essential that fall are detected early and a way to that is by using IoT platform. The authors have been developing a wearable device for elderly monitoring system utilizing accelerometer. The data from accelerometer is connected to an Internet-of-...
Improved User Adaptable Human Fall Detection and Verification Using Statistical Analysis
Published in Next Frontier in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation
Human fall detection systems are an important part of human monitoring systems especially for elderlies. Different studies were conducted using varieties of sensor to develop systems to accurately classify unintentional human falls from other activities of daily life. The major issues with the current studies using depth maps were the use of single...
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Books Show More
Computational Automated System for Red Blood Cell Detection and Segmentation
Published in Intelligent Data Analysis for Biomedical Applications
The implementation of digital image processing system of blood cell images has the potential to decrease the cost of making clinical decisions, while at the same time giving a more reliable result for red blood cells (RBCs) counting. In this chapter discuss the development of a novel system for the automatic detection and segmentation of RBCs in mi...
Adoption of agile by software developers in Thailand
Agile has gained increasing interest in the software developer community in Thailand. Although many Thai developers have incorporated Agile methods in their software projects in recent years, the project teams are still largely unaware of the rationale behind the developers’ decision to adopt Agile methods. This paper presents the results of a surv...